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On missions, she wore the standard Scout Regiment uniform with a light gray shirt underneath. [15], Sasha among the new Scout Regiment members, Sasha decides to join the Scout Regiment, seeing that Jean, Conny, Ymir, Reiner, Bertholdt and Christa were doing the same. [16], A month later, she is sent out with the Scout Regiment on their 57th expedition. Having missed two shots, Sasha scores a direct hit in the Titan's eye with her third arrow. Sasha Braus is a member of the Scout Regiment, ranking 9th among the 104th Cadet Corps. [40] As Sasha and Conny cry over Reiner's apparent death, Jean tries to convince them not to mourn for him. After Mikasa decides to try to reach the headquarters, Sasha elects to join her, mocking the other cadets to try to motivate them to join in the attack. However, she does not back off and remains there, facing the fear of the Titans. [7], Sasha was a friendly, fun-loving girl. Attack on Titan season 4 continues to rule the world of entertainment and after episode 8, fans around the world are asking why on earth did Gabi kill Sasha. [12], Sasha later graduates in the ninth position among the top ten cadets. Her love for all things cosplay is undeniable; she's a clear fan of Mob Psycho 100, Naruto, My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, and much, much more. [8] She was rather simple-minded and eccentric, but, surprisingly, her intuition was very sharp, surprisingly courageous, and she had been considered a wise judge of circumstances and danger.[3][9]. @swordsandblueberries is a costume maker, cosplayer, and cosplay photographer based in Germany. 9th[3] She later falls asleep, only to be woken by Mikasa. [13], She successfully reaches the headquarters, where Armin devises a plan to clear the supply room of Titans. 142 images (& sounds) of the Attack on Titan cast of characters. Sasha Braus (サシャ・ブラウス Sasha Burausu?) That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 2 When they find Eren and Historia under the Reiss chapel, Sasha takes part in the operation to rescue them. Relatives Attack On Titan has grown into a giant - pun intended - franchise since the manga debuted in 2009. Birthplace [42], After Reiner's return to the battle, Sasha participates in Squad Levi's attack to keep him from reaching Eren and Armin. [3], Four years after reclaiming Wall Maria, she had proven to be very proficient in using bolt action rifles, fatally sniping down multiple Marleyan soldiers from a rooftop in only a couple of seconds and sniping a gunner through a narrow opening in the middle of a firefight.[7][49]. Sasha was a young woman with light brown eyes and reddish brown hair kept in a ponytail that reaches the base of her neck. She chooses the latter. [9], Later, she returns back to Calaneth District with the Scout Regiment, worn and broken. In the year 849, Sasha and the rest of the cadets head to Trost District to practice mock drills using their omni-directional mobility gear. [3] Sasha's hearing is also very acute, to the point that she could detect an approaching group of Titans before many of her fellow cadets. Originating from Dauper Village, she had a local accent, but actively hid it out of embarrassment by using formal speech, even when conversing with her fellow cadets. [48], In the year 854, Sasha takes part in the Scout Regiment's attack on Liberio. 1. Conny and Jean try to stop her and Jean is bitten for his trouble. Levi and Hange abandon the cabin with their squads, and Sasha goes with Levi and his squad to Trost District where they hope to avoid the Military Police. Sasha takes the girl to her horse, but the horse becomes restless and runs off. As well as physical abilities, Sasha has good knowledge of wild animals and utilizing her hunter experience (shown when the Female Titan screamed), she knew exactly what the scream meant (a distress cry; danger) and that they should be wary of it. During the execution of the plan, she messes up, not cutting deeply enough through her assigned Titan's neck. In particular, refugees have begun hunting for food in Dauper's territory, leaving less game for the village's citizens than usual. [21] Sasha is part of a discussion among the Scouts about Reiner and Bertholdt being traitors. A true fan of One Piece and Attack on Titan, @mushitsujo_chisai loves cosplaying Sasha from Attack on Titan and has also cosplayed Vice Admiral Smoker, Vivi, and several other characters from One Piece. Sasha Braus(サシャ・ブラウスSasha Burausu?) Gender She was also commented to have a better sense of balance than some of the other cadets. [1] She possibly developed these gluttonous tendencies due to her younger years of struggling to hunt and find food. The following day, Sasha is ready to go to Shiganshina District, along with the rest of the Scouts. [35], After Historia is crowned as the new queen, Sasha and the rest of Squad Levi accompany her as she goes to find Levi so she can punch him. They are saved when Eren notices a bottle labeled "Armor" and crushes it in his mouth while transforming. Instagram user, @shappiworkshop is a Polish costume artist and cosplay extraordinaire. [50], Raised as an animal hunter, Sasha specializes in archery, horseback riding, and tracking. Taking a bow and a handful of arrows, Sasha runs for the main road with the girl. Lisa Chan is another cosplayer who truly deserves more followers. [3] Suddenly, the Colossal Titan appears out of nowhere and breaks the gate of Trost with its foot. Alias [39], Conny and Sasha are hesitant to finish off Reiner. Her father acknowledges her point, but disagrees, saying that it is more important to take care of the people, rather than live all alone. 850 @sanet.cosplay has cosplayed everyone from Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch, Nezuko, Leone from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and, of course, Sasha Blause. A graduate of City Varsity Cape Town and Red & Yellow Creative School of Business, he set out as an actor in 2010, jumped to marketing and writing as a secondary career path in 2016 and has now found himself back on a cosmically aligned path, writing about the things he loves. [34], As Rod approaches the Wall, the members of the Levi squad douse themselves in water to endure the extreme heat from the steam. [28] She is proven to be a skilled thief, as she often manages to steal food from the infantry storage without getting caught. [6], After Reiner is defeated with the help of Hange, Sasha's unconscious body is attended to by Conny. Over time she becomes acquainted with one of the captured Marleyan soldiers, Niccolo, bonding with him over her love of his cooking. Acting Information Sasha notes that they should find a vantage point to locate the thieves. Before they can question their hostage further, Sasha hears people approaching on foot and alerts her companions. While training, Jean leads his group out of their designated territory, trying to take down Sasha's group's targets. The two often team up on "couples" cosplay efforts, recreating team-ups from various beloved anime series. Sasha Braus サシャ・ブラウスSasha Burausu She's cosplayed characters including Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackermann, and, of course, everyone's favorite potato thief, Sasha Blouse. [26] Sasha watches as the other Titans all seemingly start devouring the Smiling Titan, and when they turn their attention and start charging towards the Armored Titan, Commander Erwin orders for a full retreat and Sasha rides back to Wall Rose with the others. Her Sasha cosplay is truly one of love, effort, and time, and it comes with her own ODM gear and Titan-slaying blades. Chan puts in Titan blood, sweat, and tears with her efforts when cosplaying Sasha. Her love for Attack on Titan is obvious, as she's covered several of the show's most beloved characters, and her passion for both cosplay and photography thereof is obvious. Expecting Levi to retaliate, the squad is surprised when he reacts by smiling and thanking them.[36]. Here's Sasha's exit story from the Attack On Titan manga explained. 854 Sasha physically shields Armin from the resulting blast. As they are discussing a plan to rescue Eren and Historia, Sasha tells her comrades that she hears people approaching. [8], On the first day of training, she steals a steamed potato from the kitchen and eats it during initiation. [8], Sasha argues with her father, as he tells her not to eat the meat from the winter from the ground. The day before the operation, the soldiers have a special dinner with meat to celebrate their upcoming mission. She had a slender figure and was of average height. Although both Sasha and Conny find themselves unwilling to kill Reiner, Jean manages to convince them to carry on with their mission. RELATED: Attack On Titan: 10 Actors That Would Be Perfect For The Live-Action Film. After Hange and Mikasa manage to blind Reiner, Sasha and the rest of the squad use their Thunder Spears on his Titan form's nape and expose his human body. "Potato Girl" (芋女 Imo-onna? Later on, Sasha is seen eating with the rest of her squad and Marlo. after stealing a potato and absent-mindedly explaining herself when her superior caught her. On some occasions, she even wore a sleeveless vest over her blouse. [3], Sasha, along with Eren and the others, is assigned to maintain the cannons on top of Wall Rose in Trost. You gotta love the expression on her face in the photograph with the potato; if that doesn't scream Sasha, then we don't know what does. An avid fan of cosplay, @shappiworkshop has cosplayed Vora from the Paladins video game, Toph from The Rift Avatar series, Street Fighter's Chun-Li, Princess Zelda, Sasha Blause, and several other beloved characters from a variety of mediums. From her costume, hair, makeup, editing, props, and locations used, @manu_grimm_ goes all the way with her cosplay efforts, especially when she dons her Sasha cosplay. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Season 4, Episode 8 of Attack on Titan, "Assassin's Bullet," now streaming on Crunchyroll, Funimation, Amazon Prime and Hulu. He fails to stop her, and as she devours the meat he wearily explains to her why it is important to keep the food: after the fall of Wall Maria, many refugees have come to Wall Rose's lands, which has resulted in a food shortage due to the extra mouths to feed. Her props are slick, her ODM gear even comes with cabling, and her ability to capture action is what makes her Sasha cosplay so awesome. [28] Shortly after, Sasha and the others hear gunshots and go to investigate. He finally states that he wants to live with his clan, even if it means to change their way of life. There, a carriage comes crashing through and seemingly kidnaps Eren and Historia, though the kidnapped victims are actually Jean and Armin in disguise. Later, she is assigned to guard the border of the Titan Forest, after the middle flank successfully lures the Female Titan in. Attack on Titan Part 1: Guren no Yumiya [31] To the entire squad's delight, it is Hange, who informs them that the Scout Regiment has been exonerated, and that they have a lead on Eren and Historia's whereabouts.[32]. [4], Sasha gets caught stealing a loaf of bread, Some time later, Sasha is selected to be a member of the new Squad Levi assigned to safeguard Eren and Historia in an isolated forest cabin. When it is crippled and loses balance, Eren takes the opportunity to transform into a Titan and shoves gunpowder into its mouth, causing the steam to ignite it and explode Rod. To Sasha's surprise, Pyxis declares Jean the winner and Sasha melodramatically laments her loss. Her squad members successfully lure it away and she returns to her assigned position. Other Information To Sasha's shock, Levi kills a soldier pursuing him and orders the squad to chase the wagon and kill their opponents, given the chance. After finishing, Sasha and Conny reunite with the rest of the Scouts, and watch from a safe distance as Eren and Mikasa attempt to defeat the War Hammer Titan. The squad tries to talk her down, but she punches the captain as soon as she sees him. Sasha Braus is a member of the Scout Regiment, ranking 9th among the 104th Cadet Corps. Together with Conny, she is seen killing several armed combatants entering the internment zone with her rifle, and setting up light markers throughout the city. She only cared about herself and her village, and was very aggravated by all of the people from Wall Maria coming in and hunting all the game they once hunted. Sasha tries to convince the remaining cadets to try retaking the headquarters together, but is unable to convince them. Isayama revealed on his blog in 2014 that he had selected the song "Bambous" by. Sasha, Jean, and Armin are all appalled at Marlo's inability to recognize her feelings for him, and begin angrily insulting him. She eventually regains consciousness and eats a few apples as she rests. [23], After Eren has been taken away, Sasha is one of the two to ride down to Dot Pyxis and the other units to inform everyone about the news. [8], Her father admits to having considered giving the forest to them so that they can make fields, while the hunter's tribe starts taking care of horses, but Sasha objects, arguing that they should not stop living like they do just because of the newcomers. [29], Sasha participates in the attack on the MP outpost, After the Scout Regiment is accused of trying to monopolize Eren's Titan powers, the government begins arresting all members of the organization. Residence Before she can react, the girl shoots Sasha in the chest. RELATED: Attack On Titan: 10 Erwin Cosplay That Are Too Good. Her bangs were parted slightly on the right cascading down each side of her face and stopping around the middle of her neck. Sasha and the rest of Squad Levi avoid being captured, and camp out in the woods outside of Stohess. Sasha ensures her victory by killing the boar first. [23] She is also part of the team to retrieve Eren from the hands of Reiner and Bertholdt. What if Gabi and Falco switched rolls where Falco killed Sasha and Gabi was the one who realized the people of Paradis weren't devils? Female Sasha Blouse[2] As she loses consciousness, Sasha is carried away from the battle by a panicked Conny. [19], Sasha and the others are stationed close to her and Conny's villages as they await orders. Sasha and Conny show off their victory by parading through Trost with the boar. When not on missions, she wore a simple long sleeved blouse with a skirt that slightly covers her boots. Across three seasons, with a fourth fast approaching, Attack on Titan has taken the anime world by storm. After practicing, Jean calls out Sasha and Conny while in their fighting stances but their fight is stopped by Reiner. [1] During training sessions, it is observed that she had uncanny intuition and followed unconventional practices, which makes her inappropriate for group activities. [8] She is later shown to be able to disarm a person without any injury to the said person with archery alone. While Sasha isn't a major character in the show, she is most certainly a fan-favorite. @swordsandblueberries tastes in geek culture vary from video games, anime, and even TV series, including the beloved Mando & Grogu from The Mandalorian, her gender-swapping version of Valka from Assassins Creed Valhalla, Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn, and Sasha from Attack on Titan. [33] However, the squad is not fast enough to stop Rod Reiss from transforming himself into a Titan, destabilizing the structure of the cavern. Anime movie She shoots barrels full of gunpowder and oil with gas canisters attached with fire arrows, making them explode and creating a smokescreen that hides the squad.
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