Shocker uses his Tech sonic bursts to damage entire teams and strengthen his Sinister Six allies. Regarding ISO-8 classes, Baron Zemo will benefit the most from Raider class which will increase his Critical chance and will allow him to place Vulnerability on multiple enemies after using his ultimate. Monstrosity has of the highest base damage of all heroes and minions in the game. His damage output is mediocre but he is definitely someone who can be extremely useful in Raids and other specific situations where you will need to control enemies by constantly slowing them. Punisher is a vicious blaster who deals piercing damage to multiple targets. Unlocking Doctor Doom will be extremely hard for a reason! Obviously, he should use the Healer ISO-8 class or Skirmisher class if you need more offensive composition. On kill, both Deadpool’s and Cable’s Speed Bar is filled by 30%. Also, Colossus’ passive ability grants him +1000% Resistance while he is under the effect of Defense Up and increases his and X-Men allies Health by 20%. That debuff he gains can be later passed to the enemy during the attack with the first skill. Agent Coulson has similar synergy with Avengers like with S.H.I.E.L.D. His special skill is Taunt but Juggernaut also gains Defense Up, Immunity, and Regeneration upon casting special(Immunity is a new skill which makes the Hero immune from any debuffs). Elektra also provides her HAND and Shadowland adjacent allies with Stealth Evade at the start of each combat and she has up to 15% chance to revive herself upon death with 20% of Max Health. His first skill inflicts medium damage and provides the Kingpin with a chance to gain assistance from others. #footable_74264 td.ninja_column_1{text-align:center}#footable_74264 th.ninja_column_1{text-align:center}#footable_74264 td.ninja_column_2{text-align:center}#footable_74264 th.ninja_column_2{text-align:center}#footable_74264 td.ninja_column_3{text-align:center}#footable_74264 th.ninja_column_3{text-align:center}#footable_74264 td.ninja_column_4{text-align:center}#footable_74264 th.ninja_column_4{text-align:center}#footable_74264 td.ninja_column_5{text-align:center}#footable_74264 th.ninja_column_5{text-align:center}, Best teams for Ultimus 6, Ultimus 7, and other Raids in Marvel Strike Force…. Doctor Doom is a notorious Tech Controler who controls Doom Legion and Fantastic Four and who brings havoc and destruction wherever he shows. She also has a nice dodge rate and can infuse allies with stealth. team. Darren Cross was the protégé of Hank Pym before stealing his company and technology, creating the Yellowjacket suit to crush his foes, Villain, Global, Tech, Blaster, Pym Tech, Aspiring. Sabretooth is a savage, regenerating brute that shreds single targets and chains to additional enemies. He will be effective for only 4 turns but that will be more than enough to prevail against most of the custom teams. Her first skill inflicts medium damage and clears 2 positive effects from a single target. Additionally, Ghost Rider drains up to 200% of the damage done but after that, he loses 1 Charge. He can also be obtained from Mega Orbs and Premium Orbs. Hand Blademaster is a sword-wielding ninja who assails his target with multiple attacks, Villain, City, Skill, Brawler, Hand, Martial Artist, Minion. Black Bolt and Ultron do not have great synergy because Black Bolt finishes off all opponents preventing Ultron to accumulate ability energy at the desired pace. If the chosen target does not have any positive effects, Karnak applies Defense Down on it instead. Kingpin’s ultimate buffs his allies with both Defense Up and Offense up for 2 turns making Kingpin an irreplaceable member of every custom AOE team. Prefers to team up with Groot. The Astonishing X-Men Blaster from the future, Bishop uses his mutant energy powers to deliver devastating attacks. His Passive ability is very powerful and grants healing and increased Speed Bar to all Kree allies who receive additional ability energy. If Scream has 3 or more Symbiote allies she decreases the Resistance of all enemies by 30%. Her passive ability grants her Evade and Counter at the start of combat, 1000% Resistance against Disrupted debuff, and applies Evade+Counter to X-Men ally which Health drops below 50%. If Phoenix is an ally, Taunt lasts 2 turns. Since all of her skills affects multiple targets it is only logical to equip her with Raider ISO-8 class. The most notable Kree characters are Captain Marvel, Ronan the Accuser, Korath the Pursuer, Captain Atlas, Doctor Minerva, Shatterstar, Ultimus, and Yon-Rogg. Villain, Cosmic, Mystic, Controller, Kree. Spider-Man Symbiote also has increased dodge rate (up to 15% when fully upgraded). Join us & the minds behind Kitty's addition to the game, plus the debut of a new Marvel Becoming featuring the in-game costume. Drax is a Guardian Protector capable of withstanding a ridiculous amount of damage. Her first ability causes moderate damage against the single target and clears up to 2 positive effects. Scientist Supreme is a mad scientist who converts negative effects to positive effects while healing her allies. I don’t want to speculate the true power of a full X-Factor team before it is introduced but it seems that al X-Factor members will be able to passively heal themselves every turn when their passive ability is fully upgraded. Minn-Erva’s ultimate steal 15% of health from enemies and redistribute it to all allies who receive additional healing as well. Dimana yang paling terkenal, tentu saja, adalah film-film besutan Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) yang telah dirilis dan selalu di tunggu ratusan juta penggemarnya di seluruh belahan dunia. More powerful in Alliance Wars. Rhino’s price is 15 shards obtainable through Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, Blitz Orbs, and Blitz Supplies. All targets affected with Bleed receive additional attack that causes minimal piercing damage. Her second skill also inflicts heavy damage which is increased with each Hero Brawler in the team. Unlike some other teams where you could replace some weaker members with META Heroes like Ultron, Phoenix, Mister Sinister, etc… Black Order needs every member to be fully effective because only with all 4 members of the Black Order, Thanos can enter Empowered state. His first skill causes medium damage to primary and adjacent targets and flips 1 positive effect on each target. Toad’s ultimate first cleanse all debuffs from him and then attacks the primary target causing moderate damage and clearing up to 2 positive effects. Loki is the Asgardian Controller who uses his cunning magic to expose enemy vulnerabilities and clone himself. Yellowjacket has synergy Villain Tech allies such as Doctor Doom, Minn-Erva, or Ultron, so he can be part of certain custom tech teams when needed. Elsa’s price is 45 shards that be obtainable through Nexus 5-3 Campaign mission. Nick Fury is a S.H.I.E.L.D. Her main purpose will be to assure certain victory in Alliance War Offense along with the rest of the X-Force team. Additionally, Nobu provides his HAND allies with a chance to revive upon death. Forced Team Participation Rewards. In Raids, she always places blind after using the basic attack. Point is that if you haven’t succeeded in acquiring Minn-Erva you could have a formidable Raid team with Mantis instead. Black Panther’s ultimate chains to 2 additional targets for a high amount of damage or attack all enemies if charged. Wolverine passive ability grants him healing of 10% of his health at the start of each turn and chance to Revive upon death. If Domino’s Health is below 50% her ultimate rebound to 5 adjacent targets. Villain, Global, Skill, Support, Hydra, Minion. Additionally, this team can be very helpful to new players providing flexibility and allowing you to avoid farming some heroes like Jessica Jones at the start of the game, who can be used only with Defenders. As a single-target damage dealer America Chavez and her team will benefit the most if she is equipped with Skirmisher ISO-8 class. To increase Negasonic’s Attack even further she should be equipped with Striker ISO-8 class. Upon enemy Critical, there is a 30% chance that Magneto casts Speed Up on self and all Brotherhood allies. Red Skull is a Hydra Controller who commands Hydra troops making them almost unbeatable in Alliance War Defense. Villain, City, Bio, Protector, Spider-Verse, Sinister Six. America Chavez is the Hero who will be a great addition to Brawler Team. At the top of that if she is ignored she can build up a Barrier so strong that she could be almost impenetrable. Security activates taunt and Defense Up. Because of all these reasons, his price is 100 shards which are obtainable through offers, Psychotic Orbs and Alliance War Store. Kree Noble is an expensive minion that costs 45 shards obtainable through milestone orbs and premium orbs. With the introduction of Domino, Negasonic, and X-23 we got another viable Alliance Offense sure-to-win team. is a fictional counter-terrorism agency led by Nick Fury which employs espionage and law-enforcement in its work. Healer ISO-8 Class is mandatory for Hydra Scientist. In Raids their Speed is increased by an additional 20% and their Damage by 40%! Bullseye is a part of the Mercenary team who can assist every Taskmaser’s attack and as such, he needs to be maximized whenever possible. Baron Zemo is a Hero specialized for Alliance War Offense who can show his power only when he is in a team with Crossbones, Winter Soldier, and Hydra Grenadier. Like all other Hulk’s skills, his passive provides him with bonuses when he drops below 50% of Health – he gains Speed Up and Deathproof. Mantis is a cosmic healer who can stun foes and redistribute health to an injured ally. Elsa Bloodstone is Supernatural Blaster, born in Aristocracy, who uses her shotgun to harass opponents. The potential damage output of this team is amazing and they will be the third strongest Offensive synergy team in the game (after Black Order and X-Man). She can heal only 1 ally for a huge amount of health and she has a chance to flip Bleed on the lowest Health ally and adjacent allies. Unfortunatelly with every day of game progression and with introduction of new characters Ultron’s influence on the game diminishes but he is still powerful Hero whocan help you in literally every game segment. At the top of that, she builds a Barrier on herself that improves with every enemy turn if she is not in the focus of enemy attacks becoming almost impenetrable after several turns. Graviton’s ultimate inflicts medium damage to the single target, grants up to 100% additional damage per negative effect, and applies Stun to that target. Coulson’s ultimate applies Offense Up on all S.H.I.E.L.D. This character can be summoned by Yondu. Hydra Grenadier should be equipped with either Skirmisher, Striker, or Raider SIO-8 class depending on the situation. If Mister Sinister is an ally, when Mister Sinister’s Health drops below 50%, Stryfe automatically activates Taunt and gains a Barrier equal to 15% of his Max Health. Passive ability grants him up to 40% chance for healing at the start of each turn and also grants him +5% damage per Defender ally. With his second skill, Groot applies Deathproof and Defense Up on 4 allies with the lowest Health. In Marvel Strike Force, A.I.M. Also, when an enemy drops below 25% Health, Black Bolt automatically executes an attack equal to up to 200% damage which is doubled if the enemy is Villain Tech. Her first skill inflicts medium damage to a single target, flip Deathproof from that target, and deals minimum piercing damage to most injured enemy ignoring Taunt in the process. #footable_74264 td.ninja_column_1{text-align:center}#footable_74264 th.ninja_column_1{text-align:center}#footable_74264 td.ninja_column_2{text-align:center}#footable_74264 th.ninja_column_2{text-align:center}#footable_74264 td.ninja_column_3{text-align:center}#footable_74264 th.ninja_column_3{text-align:center}#footable_74264 td.ninja_column_4{text-align:center}#footable_74264 th.ninja_column_4{text-align:center}#footable_74264 td.ninja_column_5{text-align:center}#footable_74264 th.ninja_column_5{text-align:center}
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