Une nouvelle méthode vient d'être mise au point et permet de débloquer une trottinette uniquement pas mise à jour logicielle. Now is notdisplaying battery capacity and can't be turned off. Introducing the ultimate script that provides firmware packages for all Xiaomi devices. Hi there, did anyone tryed out this with firmware 1.5.4 ???? Is there any plans for support of v1.5.1? I suffered from terrible acceleration since the 1.5.4 upgrade, and I just flashed BLE 073 and custom 1.3.8 firmware from https://m365.botox.bz/. And which version is best and where do I find it ? Share it with us! I just downloaded the xiaoflasher app and it downgraded me from 142 to 138 custom firmware. If you are a lucky owner of Xiaomi Mijia M365 electric scooter, you must have noticed that with the firmware the electrical assistance stops intervening in 25km / h. With the application m365 DownG on the model, it is possible to take this limit to 35km / h through a software update. My firmware is 1.5.6, BLE is 091, BMS is 126. Just bought a brand new m365 classic, build date around may 19. Remove the 3 Phillips screws holding the PCB. Buenas. Downgrade M365 de 1.4.2 ou 1.4.3 vers 1.4.0. Logiciels nécessaires Application m365_DownG (v13) Logiciel BLE 0.72; Firmware custom de votre choix; Étapes. Ich benutze CFW. Xiamoi M365 Electric Scooter Custom Firmware. I have to flash the 72 BLE first, then I can flash a 1.3.8 custom firmware and be all set? Ich wiederhole mich zwar ungern, dennoch (kompatibles Android Smartphone vorausgesetzt): M365downG als auch M365 Dashboard funktionieren mit der neuesten BLE 132 (Bluetooth Low Energy Firmware = Steuert die Verbindung zum Smartphone) problemlos. ⚠ NEW Use the following app made by CamiAlfa to flash your modified firmware: m365 DownG It will automatically chose the correct firmware for your scooter. Besuchen Sie auf Ihrem Android-Handy https://m365.botox.bz. Flashing will always work because it's not cheap to change the hardware. 1 year ago I moved the BLE down to 72, and flashed a mildly tweaked version of 138. My firmware is 1.5.6, BLE is 091, BMS is 126. Now I wanted to slightly modify some numbers but the M 365g app says the firmware is not acceptable. Mejoras. If what I read here is correct: https://www.spzshop.com/blogs/best-practices-and-tutorials-for-m365/update-xiaomi-m365-1-5-1-and-ble-0-81-be-careful-there-is-the-solution?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. App to send firmware to M365 Scooter over bluetooth, it includes all official firmwares available over internet. It's an automated script, running on Linux server every six hours, extracting firmware from MIUI official ROMs, Global, Europe, India and China, and uploads it to hosting servers. Firmware downgrade M365: hallo, in deze instructie laat ik je zien hoe je de firmware van je elektrische scooter Xiaomi M365 kunt downgraden. What do I put in the serial number options its asking me for??? A link to download is in his online list of M365 tools, #3 on the list. Also the green led from esc is notturning on when is connected on stlink. I recomend deleting the Xiaomi Home official app because if the scooter gets updated again you will have to redo the whole process. I think there is a soft downgrade without having to flash the microcontroller. If you getsome error in the bat file before flashing post a comment with screenshoots, this is not bad for the scooter. A Russian modder has developed a utility called m365rec. Only red light.Do you have any idea from where is theproblem?Thank you, Reply Hi, have you menaged to fix the "bin not found" problem? Soldered everything correctly and removed c16. It was working good until I tried new custom firmware. Die Firmware kann mit Android App M365_freedom geflasht werden. Buy Xiaomi M365 scooter https://goo.gl/MMG2Ve Warning! This is no coincidence. i am realy am stuck would appreacite any help, this is what i get when i use a 5volt input, Check if you have your drivers installed and try to upgrade the ST-Link firmware to discard a problem from that side.There is no need to run the .bat as admin.If you are using a ST-Link with a TVCC pin, connect it to 3.3VAlso check your solder joints. Es una traducción de la web original m365.botox.bz, la aplicación M365_DownG elegirá automáticamente el archivo bin que corresponde a su patín desde el archivo ZIP creado en la web. 1 year ago. If I need to change the BMS how do I do it ? Go to Segway-Ninebot app > settings > basic information Locate on the board the component labeled C16, its a small capacitor that blocks the possibility of flashing new firmwares. En effet pour ceux qui n’auraient pas suivis, le dernier firmware de chez XIAOMI, le 1.4.1, sorti aux alentours du 10/08/2018, interdisait l’installation de firmware custom et donc le débridage, mais aussi le downgrade à un firmware officiel antérieur. In the pictures you can see connection beetwhen the BLE board of your Scooter and the ST-Link for the standart and pro models. Tried this, sadly, I still get the same error as the original poster no matter what I try. If you want to modify your M365 with a custom firmware, just download your own with your desired parameters from here: https://m365.botox.bz and flash it using the M365_DownG_V11 app. The app is free and it comes without any warranty, all flashable files belong to their respective owners, This app is compatible on the M365 … Reply App to send firmware to M365 Scooter over bluetooth, it includes all official firmwares available over internet. In dieser App kannn außerdem die Bluetooth Firmware BLE und die BMS Firmware geflasht werden. Connect 5V from the power plug to your ST-Link, 3.3V will also do.Extract the folder ble365rec and under the sub folder doc, install the ST-Link drivers "STM32 ST-LINK Utility v4.4.0 setup.exe". It allows downgrade. Do you need the serial number for this to work? The esc is completelystuck somehow. The app is free and it comes without any warranty, all flashable files belong to their respective owners, This app is compatible on the M365 Scooter and ninebot scooters. 1 year ago. screenshot attached. Hello, in this instructable I will show you how to downgrade the Firmware of your Electric Scooter Xiaomi M365. Excited to be able to go beyond 15mph. Any solution with the 1.7.10 firmware version ? Roberth Escobar on DOWNGRADE de software. I get the impression that every firmware you release, brings no improvement, just block firmware downgrade. 1 year ago. Your serial number looks like this: XXXXX / YYYYYYYY, The YYYYYYYY part of the serial number must be greater than 35000. Mi Xiaomi es bastante antiguo e indica DA36V250W 3LB9817EAC0144No coincide con ninguna de las descripciones que indicais.Según M365_downG tiene = DRV 142 / BLE 72 / BMS 115Quisiera pasar a DRV 1.5.1 para que funcione el Controlador de M365PRO.1.- Debo descender a DRV 140 para poder pasar luego a 1.5.1. Start by opening the case and exposing the electronics, the case is glued and can be easily removed with a flat screwdriver. Put some flux on both pads of the capacitor, clean your soldering iron and with the tweezers hold the capacitor while applying heat on the pads, the flux will equally distribute the heat and should be easier to pull it out. Did you make this project? Once connected and ran on your scooter's mainboard (ESC), it hard-resets your firmware to version 1.3.8. But future FW versions may close that option. App to send firmware to M365 Scooter over bluetooth, it includes all official firmwares available over internet. Es una traducción de la web original konstruktor-proshivok-pro de Nikita desarrollador de M365rec, la aplicación M365_DownG elegirá automáticamente el archivo bin que corresponde a su patín desde el archivo ZIP creado en la web. ?2.- Donde encontrar los ficheros de DVR 1.5.1. I decided to go for it, and the instructions in the link I posted worked great. Unfortunately I've updated my scooter to firmware v1.5.1 and now I can't flash custom firmware. Xiaomi M365 / M365 pro electric scooter, a new stylish way to get around, has won the confidence of many commuters thanks to its simple design, lightweight and reliable performance. Downgrade via m365_DownG. Firmware Downgrade M365: Hello, in this instructable I will show you how to downgrade the Firmware of your Electric Scooter Xiaomi M365.If you have the version 1.5.1 it means you can only use the official app which only have a few features in comparison to more elaborated a… Sorry lots of questions but new to this , New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. This works only on Xiaomi M365 scooters manufactured on May 2017 and Later. 7 months ago. Also having a lower firmware means that you can easily flash a custom firmware that allows to run faster and customize a lot your driving parameters. did that tuturial work for you with fimware 1.5.6 and ble 0.91? Versiones firmware DOWNGRADE de software DYoC - Custom Firmware Español Custom Hack (BoTox) I2T/I2T+ (CHW) Custom Firmware (CFW) Pantalla Xiaomi M365 PRO para Xiaomi M365 This process will update your programmer and debug adapter and has nothing to do with the M365 Firmware. Have not tried riding it yet. BLE 081 ? My favorite app is m365 Dashboard it gives you a lot more than the official one, its frequently updated and supports multiple languages. Locate the 3 pads on the PCB and solder 3 jumper wires, use a good amount of flux because the PCB has a layer of some protection material over it. HelloI have m365 scooter with display from proversion. Wait until it finish and disconnect and desolder the jumper wires. Unfortunately it currently only works on Windows. 10 months ago. Everything works perfect. So to flash with m365rec. If not replacing the screen pck board will also replace the Bluetooth so allow me to put a cfw ? Have tried all sorts but always get same error, did anyone figured this out? Unfortunately, i got it with firmware 1.5.4. I confirm that the downgrade worked like a charm on my m365 with 1.5.4 firmware using the latest version of m365 downG. From the simplest to the most complicated. I was already at 072 ble. on Step 2. Mira que las soldaduras estén bien y que el st link pueda comunicarse con el PC. Reading a lot how to downgrade to 1.3.x and upload a custom fw, but all methods failed. Lade die Andoid App herunter, mit der du deinen Roller flashst, und folge den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm. Now you can run the .bat file "ble365rec.bat" for the standart version or "blePROrec.bat" for the pro version. Not at all but it's always good to write it down somewhere. This post will briefly introduce the firmware versions, downgrade dash boar flash firmware, custom firmware, DVR and other basic information. Connect the ST-Linkto the PC and wait for Windows to finish with the automatic install. Real VO2Max--Measure Your Athletic Potential, Simple Extruded Aluminum Frame for LED Panels. Such a great tool, and community. downgrade xiaomi m365 1.5.6 - Mobilità - Mi Community - Xiaomi Thanks, Am instalat firmware cu stlink m365rec si tot piuna dar nu functioneaza ?astept o parere merci, Question Tried to flash esc with stlink but always I get the "errorbin not found" on m365rec software. More info here: https://m365.botox.bz, - Software and drivers: https://hackm365.com/x/ble365rec.rar, You have to make 3 solder joints and take out a smd capacitor but dont panic, there is no need of putting the capacitor back again and the 3 solder joint are trough hole so it should be easy. Excellent, thank you! Herunterladen der Custom Firmware und App, um deinen Roller zu flashen. Its recommended to update your ST-Link firmware, for that open the STM32 ST-LINK Utility (Desktop link) and click on the menu ST-LINK/Firmware update/Devide Connect/Yes>>>>. ⚠ NEW The tool now makes .zip files with both encrypted and unencrypted firmware and an info.txt inside. If you pull too hard while the solder is not complete melted you may also lift the track of the PCB, don't panic, just cut it out and that's it. Recently that I own a m365 xiaomi and I found a video where it explained how to flash a firmware which could be customizable regarding speed. Super easy. I had a version 142 of firware so I had to downgrade to 140 and then flash the 138. You can also use st link from stm32f4 discovery board. This is not mandatory but since a firmware downgrade allows you to run faster and draw more power from the battery, having only one fuse will make it blow and you will have to solder a new one. Disamble the handle and disconnect the power plug. Il downgrade BLE 122 Xiaomi M365 PRO è sempre stata fino ad ora una operazione fattibile solo tramite la famosa chiavetta ST-LINK.Tale BLE ha fino ad ora permesso di flashare comunque firmware modificati senza dover eseguire un suo downgrade lasciandolo li, inalterato. When running bat file I instantly get error open failed. Answer Hello. My M365 is brand new also, and the same thing happened to me! The Xiaomi M365 Electric Scooter out of the box is pretty fast for the size and cost however, you soon get used to … Question clarify why I am in them and I would not want to damage the scooter, Do I need to change the bms or can I just downgrade BLE and flash new custom firmware ? Named BLE0.81 this version is not usable to modify the firmware of your scooter manually or even to connect you with third party applications like M365 Tools or m365 DownG There are three ways to go back. Me gustaría que me ayudarais con tres cositas. Here's the general process: Bref, pas de retour en arrière possible et … Primero de todo gracias por la recopilacion, y el trabajo de todos los implicados, muy util. (M365_dwng ?) It allows downgrade. The battery manufacturing date must be later than March 2017, you can get this info on the Xiaomi app under battery information. It allows downgrade. Démarrez l'application m365_DownG : Connectez vous à la trottinette (allumée) : Please Devs, fix … Thanks! Just a quick question, can your m365 still connect to the original MiHome app after the downgrade? invalid bin. no puedo flashear esta todo bien conectado y me aparece un error y ya he sacado el c16, Reply Given the great success of the previous guide for increase the maximum speed of the QiCycle electric bicycle, we continue this line of modification of the "two-wheeled" Xiaomi devices through modified firmware.This time it is the turn of the Xiaomi Mijia M365 electric scooter that through this hack will allow you to reach the 35km, have more acceleration and some interesting features. There are different models of the ST-Link, I use a different one that works the same. Die Firmware basiert auf der Version 1.3.0 und ist nicht mehr zu empfehlen. Dieser Flash-Guide ist für den Ninebot G30/D E-Scooter Diese Firmware kann NICHT für folgende Roller geflasht werden Xiaomi M365 (CLASSIC/PRO) Xiaomi 1S / PRO2 Bevor mit dem Rollertuning begonnen wird, bitte diese Infos in Ruhe lesen und den Haftungsausschluss der Nutzungsbedingungen - … Pour procéder au retour en arrière, il vous faut un terminal Android, smartphone ou tablette. If you have the version 1.5.1 it means you can only use the official app which only have a few features in comparison to more elaborated apps like m365 Dashboard. Wie du eine App ausserhalb des Playstores installierst, erfährst du in dieser Anleitung. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Downgrade via m365_DownG By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Put everything back together and test the scooter, if you get any error like restarting and making some beeps, check the solder joints you made before and make sure that after disconnecting the jumper wires there is no short circuit beetwhen the pads. @carlosgudes pero igual necesitas ponerle la versión del m365 pro si no la placa no te va funcionar. Don't try … Cookies help us deliver our Services. Si describes el error tal ves pueda ayudar más. This guide will walk you through steps unlocking your Xiaomi M365 firmware and removing the 25km/h legal speed limit from your scooter. About: I'm just a maker because i love to DIY. Also, do not let the jumper wires hanging they have to be removed after the process is done. If you get an error or just the connection gets interrupted while flashing your scooter will be "bricked" and the only solution is to flash a working firmware with a ST-Link so just retrying the process will fix it because that is what we are doing. Hey! If you never solder anything before search for some tutorials online under the topic: "how to solder trough hole" and "how to desolder smd". This firmware is terrible, the worst to date, it's a shame! Thanks all. The app is free and it comes without any warranty, all flashable files belong to their respective owners, This app is compatible on the M365 Scooter and ninebot scooters. ... Can I apply the BLE downgrade following the link?https: ... //m365.botox.bz/ I had my firmware at 1.5.1, what I did (with M365downG): Downgrade bluetooth version; Wählen Sie Ihre Firmware-Version und klicken Sie auf “Patch”. It seems that for the newest m365 scooters, the magical stlink method is not working anymore - i am getting "cannot connect to target*. To check the date. Vous allez devoir y installer l’application M365_PATCHED disponible au format .apk via ce lien (prenez soin d’autoriser les sources non officielles). 1- Tengo un m365 del 2018/2019 (no estoy seguro ahora) con pantalla del pro instalada, BMS:126 ; BLE 074 v6 ; DRV 155, con firmware concinado (35 Km/h maximo ; 42000 de constante). If what I read here is correct: I have to flash the 72 BLE first, then I can flash a 1.3.8 custom …
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