georgia guidestones nwo

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. The Georgia Guidestones is an enigmatic granite monument situated in Elbert County, Georgia. A new block on which is inscribed “2014” was recently added to the Georgia Guidestones. The stone monuments in Georgia were built in 1980 at a cost of a staggering $500,000 on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans” who have managed… It is approximately 90 miles East of Atlanta, and contains a list of ten commandments for Earth’s citizens. For decades, the United Nations and eugenicists from around the world have been planning for the culling of almost 95% of the world’s population. One of the tools the upcoming world government intends to use is the Georgia Guidestones as the guide for all humanity. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The population reduction message has made the monument a target for those who believe that it’s a beacon for technocratic elitists to flaunt their new world order agenda. Georgia Guidestones, VACCINES, World Depopulation and the NWO: Will You Get the Gates’ Vaccine? Here is the first piece I did on it in 2015: The Georgia Guidestones and the 10 Commandments of the Coming Antichrist. Was verbirgt sich hinter dem mysteriösen Monument aus Granitstein? A set of 10 guidelines [like a new Ten Commandments for a New World Order in which population reduction is central] is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the … 5. Il Georgia Guidestones è un monumento misterioso su cui sono scolpiti dieci "comandamenti" per una "Nuova Età della Ragione". ( Log Out /  Indeed, the Georgia Guidestones are used for occult ceremonies and mystic celebrations to this very day. ? It’s rather hard to get a law suit off the ground against the richest man on the planet. View all posts by Nwo Report. Die so genannten ,Georgia Guidestones gehören zu den bemerkenswertesten Bauwerken der neueren Zeit, und gerade deshalb ist es sehr erstaunlich, wie wenig bekannt sie sind. Un altro fatto strano: gli autori di quella che può essere chiamata la "stonehenge americana" sono ancora avvolti dall'ombra del … But the government of India did not withdraw the law suit. We will not get the vaccine no matter what the consequence or punishment for not complying. This technology WILL be used by Antichrist and his kingdom to track everyone – those who have sworn allegiance to him and those who have not. In June 1979 a well dressed, articulate man walked into the office of the Elberton Granite Company in Elberton, Georgia and said that he wanted to know the cost of building a large monument to the conservation of humanity. And here’s something new: The Georgia Guidestones may be the most enigmatic monument in the US: huge slabs of granite, inscribed with directions for rebuilding civilization after the apocalypse. In my article Sinister Sites : The Georgia Guidestones, I took a thorough look at the Georgia Guidestones and at its ominous message for humanity. 4. Georgia Guidestones - Die 10 Gebote der NWO - deutsch - Armin Risi. Until then, share the Glorious Gospel to those who do not know Him! Although I do not believe that the vaccine is the mark of the beast, I do believe that it will hold the technology for that mark when Antichrist comes onto the world scene. Here is what is written on the Georgia Guidestones: 1. A slot that’s cut into one of the slabs marks the winter and summer solstices. The Georgia Guidestones -----On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! We know that this Globalist monument has much to do with World Depopulation and the coming New World Order, but Vaccines? I have much respect for them. It is rumored that Ted Turner was one of the people in that group. THE MESSAGE OF THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES. I am imploring my readers to refuse this vaccine. One of the top eugenicists is Bill Gates, and his Foundation is the embodiment of his work to reduce the world’s population by using none other than Vaccines! The Georgia Guidestones, AKA the “American Stonehenge,” are a massive granite structure in far eastern Georgia near the South Carolina border. However, we do not endorse, nor are we in agreement with all the content posted therein. Georgia Guidestones, Vaccines, World Depopulation and the NWO. Loris Magnani, an astronomy professor at the University of Georgia, questions how useful the Guidestones would be to survivors of civilization-ending cataclysm. 1. This place of prominence clearly shows that this is considered to be the most important goal. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The most controversial aspect of the stones is the message carved into them, which has made the monument a target for vandals on a number of different occasions. A message comprising ten guides is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages’ scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.” Georgia Guidestones, Vaccines, World Depopulation and the NWO, How Blockchain and Immunization Passports Could Help Us Reopen. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.”. The Georgia Guidestone and the New World Oder (NWO) The Georgia Guidestones are a mystery in that no one really knows who issued having these huge granite stones erected and have a message carved in ten different languages on these stones. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. For many years, I have been writing on the eerie structure in GA known as the Georgia Guidestones. Wikipedia says: “The Georgia Guidestones is a granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. Learn how your comment data is processed. Also known as the American Stonehenge, the gigantic structure is almost 20 feet high and is made of six granite slabs, weighing in total 240,000 pounds. As an interesting side-note, the bible also spoke of the coming ‘One-World government’ that will take place in the last days in the Book of Daniel and in the Book of … Leftists Hope to See Trump ‘Dragged Out of White House in Handcuffs’ That Will Never Happen! We are now entering THE NEW WORLD ORDER, or at least the grounds for it are leveled and ready and set for it. His father was a eugenicist and the head of Planned Parenthood. Sounds like a contradiction in terms, doesn’t it? Vielleicht wird eines Tages die beschriebene Zeitkapsel gehoben und vielleicht finden sich dort dann Informationen über die Menschen, welche die Georgia Guidestones geplant und finanziert haben. 3. The fact is that the world is not overpopulated. 1. Here is the first piece I did on it in 2015: The Georgia Guidestones and the 10 Commandments of the Coming Antichrist Judge Rules Residents Of Minneapolis Can Sue The City Over Reduction In Number Of Police, Sheriffs Given Powers to Arrest Feds Who Violate Citizens’ Second Amendment Rights, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Tells New Yorkers To Wear Two Masks At Least Until June, Ghislaine Maxwell Says She’ll Renounce UK & French Citizenship In Exchange For Bail, Gab BANNED from Three Banks in Three Weeks Due to Media Smears, Twitter called out for ‘double standards’ after it singles out report on UK influence op in Russia with ‘hacked materials’ label. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the American Stonehenge. Either way, the Covid-19 vaccine is to be avoided at all costs. I am not saying that the vaccine will be the mark of the beast right now. Brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray that we will be raptured soon by our Lord Jesus Christ! THE MESSAGE OF THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES. It was almost certainly placed there by a prankster, but succeeded in setting off another round of debate over the symbolism of monoliths, particularly in relation to Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey. Shalom Geri . The Georgia Guidestones are the product of Theosophy, a term that encompasses the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Alice Bailey’s New Age movement and overtly Satanic cults inspired by Aleister Crowley. This eerie and mysterious monument just became even more eerie and mysterious. … Continue reading The Georgia … reports: As the History Channel explains, the stones are aligned to precisely track astrological and solar cycles. 3. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. Beware of the United Nations Agenda 21. Hence, the 666 or mark of the beast will easily be programmed into those people who choose to worship him. The stones call for “maintaining humanity under 500 million,” a figure which the world hasn’t seen since the 1500’s and would require outright mass genocide to achieve. I would rather go to jail or a Fema camp or wherever they will house the dissidents. We have posted about this earlier and you can find it here: >> Secret Sites part II, Georgia Guidestones NWO’s Ten Commandments? I believe that it will contain components to sterilize those of child bearing years and young children. . It is interesting as to the choice of languages that teh NWO tenents are written in and to admire the amount of time and engery expended to do this. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Tragically, only one religious leader in the area had the courage to speak out against the American Stonehenge, and he has recently relocated his ministry. According to the NWO, the population on earth should be maintained at under 500 million people to be in “perpetual balance with nature.” Turner has repeatedly advocated for a 95 percent cull in the human population and attends strange conferences with the likes of Bill Gates and George Soros to discuss how globalists can use their wealth to “slow the growth of the world’s population.”. My husband and I have made up our minds. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. A shaft that’s drilled through the center of the stone marks Polaris, the north star. “Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. ( Log Out /  Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. Source: Niamh Harris The mysterious Georgia Guidestones that call for a drastic culling of the earth’s population are receiving fresh attention in light of the coronavirus pandemic. 2. The vaccines he offered were filled with chemicals to sterilize these young girls. . How Blockchain and Immunization Passports Could Help Us Reopen  < click here to read (propaganda). As we highlighted earlier, another bizarre monolith was recently discovered in a remote area of a Utah desert. I also believe that the shots administered to the elderly will be deadly. ". The stone monuments in Georgia were built in 1980 at a cost of a staggering $500,000 on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans” who have managed to remain anonymous to this very day. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. A Fellow Blogger’s Site: ‘Sum of Thy Word’ “Pure From the Blood of All Men” This is so Excellent! Something refreshing your thoughts. Bill Gates is a eugenicist. Il Georgia Guidestones è un monumento in granito sito nella contea di Elbert, in Georgia, Stati Uniti d'America.Su otto delle superfici maggiori è inciso un messaggio composto da dieci "regole", o consigli, in otto lingue moderne, una per ogni superficie. Got Questions is an excellent source for general questions. Jeder “Verschwörungstheoretiker” kennt sie und so manch einer hat schon von Ihnen gehört: die Georgia Guidestones. He is Into MARKETING and Has Been For a While- What You Are About to Read Will Take Your Breath Away – But NOT in a Good Way, BEWARE THE SO-CALLED ‘EQUALITY ACT’ EXPECTED TO ADVANCE IN CONGRESS THIS WEEK: The LEFT is Determined to Classify Christians as Domestic Terrorists, WHAT YOU WERE NOT TOLD ABOUT THE REAL BILL GATES, ATTENTION: Wearing Face Masks is PART of the Culling Process – In Other Words the Masks Will Help to Kill You. And a slit that’s cut through the capstone marks the perfect noon time. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity. "The Georgia Guidestones are sometimes known as the American Stonehenge or the Antichrist"s ten commandments. THOUGH 2024: Read My Article from May of 2020 About How Much $$ Was Sent to Wuhan by NIH (Fauci) Since 2012 For Gain of Function Research on China Plague, WHAT IS BILL GATES Up To Now? . Mr. Gates is a very bad actor on the world scene. Regelmäßig werden die Georgia Guidestones mit der Abkürzung NWO (New World Order, auf deutsch: Neue Weltordnung) beschmiert. Georgia Guidestones, Elberton: Address, Phone Number, Georgia Guidestones Reviews: 4/5. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Watch a Group of Scientists Marvel Over the “Machines” in Every Cell of the Human Body And Don’t Miss the Last Word Spoken: THIS is How Scientists Are Trying to ‘Emulate’ GOD’S Creation With mRNA Vaccines, Number of Deaths of the Elderly Disproportionately Higher Than Reported – Cuomo Gets a Spanking From His Own Party: Stripped of Powers. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. For the last decade, Bill Gates has been taking his vaccines to third world countries, and in many cases forced these vaccines on young girls without parental permission. Agenda 21 is a New World Order scam where the protection of nature is utilized to take control of the land and to hand it to administrative agencies that are controlled by the sovereign State / Black Pope. All is known is that in 1979 an unknown group of people paid for the erection of the "Georgia Guidestones." Unite humanity with a living new language. Georgia Guidestones Text. In a similar manner to Stonehenge, visitors to the monument often report feeling a strange, powerful energy while standing near them, with one commenting, “It was rather surreal and eerie actually standing next to them. The emphasis on nature on the Georgia Guide Stones correlates with "Agenda 21" implemented in places like Santa Cruz in the 1970's. Cooler Master Lüfter Software, Unit 3 English Vocabulary, Nachts Schlafen Die Ratten Doch Interpretation, Wer Kann Meinen Verlauf Sehen, Grüner Tee Meßmer Abnehmen, Bgb Fälle Mit Lösungen, Schönes Gesicht Frau, Heim Für Autistische Kinder Bayern, Sin, Cos Tan Aufgaben Mit Lösungen Pdf, Powerpoint 2016 Grundlagen Pdf,