So it definitely has its pros. Expressing pros and cons; There are two sides to the question. Expressing pros and cons. On March 15, 2019, students from over 100 countries are skipping school and gathering in protest of climate change. Engine choices that pack a punch. Pro #1: There is a lot less ice and snow. The problem is if people become disinterested in their native languages. We divided into pairs and each pair wrote a paragraph. From Fridays for Future protests to the UN Climate Action Summit, 2019 has experienced a growing awareness of the need to protect and preserve the environment. Time magazine’s recent selection of Greta Thunberg as its Person of the Year was hailed by many as a culmination of the efforts of climate activists around the world. Our topic was the pros and cons of smartphones. The development of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam can offer Ethiopia with special advantages. English is now seen less as an optional “foreign” language and more as a core skill for the present and future generations — the operating system of the world’s global conversation. Pros. Smartphones have become a big part of people’s lives The younger generation are particularly dependent on their phones. Here is our class essay from our upper intermediate class. The construction of its wide transmission system will enable industries to prosper by creating necessary power and providing skilled jobs, thereby retaining young people and sustaining a society with a complete cross section of jobs and income levels. Pros and Cons + Old links Author Date within 1 day 3 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 2 months 6 months 1 year of Examples: Monday, today, last week, Mar 26, 3/26/04 So now that I have a feel of what a mild winter can feel like, I’ve decided to put together some pros and cons on the topic of climate change. I just came back to the US after studying in Italy for three months and I learned so much while I was there. Carmudi takes a look at the pros and cons of the locally available Mustang, a carryover from 2019. I just love the fact that I don’t have to worry about clearing my car off or getting cold on the way to class as snow falls from the sky. If you want to or are planning on studying abroad, here are 12 pros and cons to look forward to and be prepared for: Without English or another very common language it would make it hard to communicate. The locally available Mustang comes in four different trims with two engine options—a 5.0-liter V8 for the GT variants (460hp, 569Nm) and a 2.3-liter Ecoboost for the Fastback (310hp, 434Nm). There are two sides to the question. However, it is important to remain aware of the implications these technologies may have for the public, medical professionals and the government. There are benefits and drawbacks. One of the hot topics of the last 12 months springs to mind: data. The way patient data is stored, shared and handled, specifically. 1. The cons: data breach risks add pressure to a stretched workforce. Not just a new culture and a new language, but also about traveling and living abroad. I think it would be useful for there to be a global language, a bit like how there's people in countries all over the planet that know English. Developments in artificial intelligence (AI) are leading to fundamental changes in the way we live. On the one hand…,on the other hand… An argument for/ in favour of/ against if… While admitting that…one should not fornet that… Some people think that…,others say that… 4. With picket signs in hand, these young activists are setting up camp outside of government buildings—from tiny town halls to meeting points for parliaments—in a bid to prompt politicians to take action.
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