We are a chill, and very easy-going group, and we actively strive to maintain the comfort within our "home". Note: Some of the rules may sound contradictory. you really don't have to tell them to drown in acid but i get what you're saying. Just because a server has a lot of rules doesnt mean you should be afraid of breaking a rule. Do not perform or promote the intentional use of glitches, hacks, bugs, and other exploits that will cause an incident within the community and other players. Masters of Copy and Paste Hello and Welcome to the Masters of Copy and Paste (MoCaP) Server! 6. We may take a number of steps, including issuing a warning, removing the content, or removing the accounts and/or servers responsible. (Just like templates). In progress. Here are the four main things we will do: 1. Never ... many cool features! Join to follow news channels, LFG, and chat. would understand why. And laying out your advert to … Custom font are now possible with the text generator. No harassment - Including sexual harassment or encouraging of harassment. Home Popular Browse Bot. Upload your own Discord Template and collect votes! Keine Hexenjagd. In order to connect [EU] RUSTEVO 2x Vanilla server you can use direct Steam connection link, or copy console command and paste it in Rust console.. Connect via Steam. If you don't like these rules just find Moderators reserve the right to delete any post. Join our official Discord server Cancel Login Login Details. This is a fork and doesn't represent my views. Do not argue with staff. No jump mods. If you pick all the rules here, you're right, it would be very strict. Our team works hard to give you the tools to find the best community. Members causing problems will be "Warned" and then "Removed" if issues persist. Hush And Chill. Just saying in case you find some time and want to do it . Keine Meme. Discord; Feedback; Text Chat; Server roles paste Slender January 27, 2020 09:46; Edited; Wish we could me able to easly copy paste an unmencionable role (<@&id>) in a chat without breaking and transforming to normal text. You can play with your friends and have a good time on this Discord Server. Quick ️ Copy and paste fonts for Discord servers with the Discord Fonts Generator and create cool fonts absolutely for free. Please respect the topics for each channel, you can find channel topics in the server's #welcome channel. More people will read your rules if the channel is well made. Kein Spam @erwähnung. Inviting bots is NOT ALLOWED without administrative approval, any bots that are found will be INSTANTLY BANNED. Korfor. This thread is archived. As mentioned at the start of the gist, you pick out the rules you want. How to invite friends to your Discord server. The Discord rules channel starter pack. This includes any form of harassment or encouraging of harassment. Decisions are final. Keine Verlinkung zu anderen Servern. You're a control freak. Guys I think this list is a joke lmao. Kein Hacking. Liste der erlaubten Bot-Befehle: This is a decent set of rules but i feel that you should condense this to make it more easier to read instead of just listing a bunch of bullets. I'm not against maintaining the list, just more surprised that all this was happening. Discord Templates - Discover a huge variety of Discord server templates for all purposes. I'll start off with letting you know this is a fork from someone else. 16338 Uses Gaming Friends Small Community Server … Please. Keine anstößigen Profilbilder. Discord Application Template Copy and paste the below into your own thread in the category and complete the form. Games on discord have become quite popular and PokeCord is one of the major ones. Helba [developer] Dec 2, 2016 @ 5:56am @[Admyre] koohikoo No problem. If you need a larger list, try to write in a style that'll keep their attention. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. Keine persönlichen Angriffe. Moderators reserve the right to edit any post. You can add more obviously but I feel that this is an easier and nicer looking way to set your standards. This includes scary, gorey or sexual content. The users can simply just copy and paste the style that they like in their fonts for discord app chats and nicknames. Keine Verabredungen. Moderators reserve the right to change nicknames. Now, it’s up to you to set your own server or send an invite from the existing server. Enter your business name to generate and edit unlimited logos There may be situations not covered by the rules or times where the rule may not fit the situation. First of all, if you ever need the list of things to follow if someone is misbehaving, it is: Warning. So be double nice) 2. 312. share. I'm also agree with this suggetion because I have a big server with many channels. Keine Flammenkriege. and offensive but he could’ve named some type. Honestly, there's a limit to how far I'd go with offering suggestions. Look for open servers in Google search and use. That's something that some servers don't want. Rule Tip: As a professional server maker, keep your rules simple and short to read. I you have a complaint about a staff member you may submit the complaint here: link to google forms or something where the user can explain there complaint. No memes, no pictures, no links, no gifs. It would be nice if you could find time and improve somewhat these rules, but I understand you are probably busy and don't have time to deal with this as well. No self or user bots * Another important thing to keep in mind, your rules channel should look appealing. Mod rules: No fly mods. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for Discord – , ⎝⎝ GͥOͣDͫ ⎠⎠, ꧁꧂⪓⚡Nℽx๏ℽ⚡⪔꧁꧂, , ╲⎝⧹ ⧸⎠╱, . Mod rules: No fly mods. save. This only creates more notifications for the people who have them enabled, who are annoyed at these kind of posts, and adds nothing that hasn't already been addressed to the conversation. No @everyone/@here mentioning without permission. Moderators reserve the right to use their own discretion regardless of any rule. I just edited it to only be in a specific channel. Please feel free to translate any of the rules that you'd like though! INFO: Der Server wird nicht … Think of it as a pick and mix. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. 1 year ago. The Discord Term's of Service applies to all servers including this … Java | You can also mark a memes channel as NSFW if you have a memes channel, as some memes can be offensive or disturbing to some. Some reasons to receive a warning consist of:-NSFW content-Talking in the wrong channel-Cursing-Bullying-Caps abuse And more of course. Das Team behält sich vor, die Regeln jederzeit ohne Ankündigung zu ändern. 3. However, for some bizarre reason, this is the one everyone finds, so I better get round to updating this. However, to stop getting notifications from here, you can "Unsubscribe" from this gist, and you won't get any notifications from this gist. Simple Server Template 11983 uses Community ... Before you can use the server template, please login to our website. No excessive messaging (breaking up an idea in many posts instead of writing all out in just one post). No xray mods. Keine unangemessenen Spitznamen. Swearing is allowed so long as it isn't directed at another member. *, On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 3:32 AM LunaGalaxyYT ***@***. level 1. Create some server templates to help people get into things and see how perms work. Great job! I'll give this a day and save the list elsewhere before deleting it here. Upon creating a discord account you must run the server. Link/Make guides for server administration and staff learning tools. You may not sexualize minors in any way. Add a new section under rules that goes into a more in-depth explanation of each channel. If you are making a hangout server or something of such sorts, having a designated memes channel is a requirement. oh ok, i thought you had a discord server and these were all your rules. Also, I didn't make this, it's a fork, that I've been really lax in updating. No membership granted to minors (under 18 years). No walls of text (either in separate posts or as a single post). Channels system-messages Important rules-and-info role-claim announcements suggestions suggestion-results … And that's what this list is, suggestions and ideas that you may not think of to give you a little boost at the start. You will be removed if sound quality is poor to other members. We will soon change this website to a nicer one. | 586,449 members 95% Upvoted. For example, if you a promoting an event, post it in one relevant channel. Be Nice (Again. I am not English so I could still be wrong. Im disgusted at the "No memes" part. You've certainly helped me, so hopefully that gives you some peace of mind. Wouldn't it be so nice if there was a template or a list of rules that you could quickly copy, paste and tweak? It … My server has at least 10 rules and they are very simple, yet important. 2. While swearing is allowed, refrain from directing it at another member unsuspectingly. All PM’s are recorded to the server log and can be retrieved as required by the Minecraft Admin and Tech Team. These are some cases that go against Discord Terms of Service. No offensive messages or nicknames - Anything that a reasonable person might find offensive. Simple Car Community Server. Keine sexuellen Diskussionen. Delete Rust voice channel Rename #programming-and-technology to #technology Delete Staff Channel voice channel Delete PUBG voice channel Delete Serious … For this tutorial, you need Node.js and npm or yarninstalled. Okay I respect YOUR rules but other people wan't to live too dude. Kick. ***> wrote: However the rules below are guidelines! With this simple list—which I intend to keep updating as I find good ideas on more servers—you can get some inspiration for your own server rules. Nu aveti voie cu mai multe conturi pe server (kick/BAN PERMANENT). Keine Flammen. This method doesn't work properly in some browsers. 6. Keine beleidigende Sprache/Verfluchungen. Do not use the @everyone / @here ping without permission. If your server has that rule... just drown in acid please. Click Here To Join The Discord - Respect others. I'll leave out expanding on the rules as that's something for the person using the rules to do. Warning. Keine anstößigen Spitznamen. Setup our local project 2. Disciplinary action for Discord server behavior may extend to in-game accounts where required. If you would like to suggest more items or recommend a server that has a good set of well-structured, well-thought-out rules, feel free to leave a comment below. Online library for finding and sharing free Discord Templates. New Version, please follow the tutorials at: https://cloner.psiv.me/ instead. Warning. I think it was made public because of the fork, but in any case I don't see an option to hide it now. Keine übermäßige Verwendung von Emoticons. 4 min ago, C | Smileys ☺️ ***> wrote: 3. You guys are dumbasses for talking such bullshit that You just had a great idea for a new Discord server and immediately created it but now you need not only to set up the channels and permissions but also to grind through the daunting task of coming up with a list of rules. The overwhelming majority of people use Discord responsibly, so these guidelines may seem obvious. Don't know why people are showing up here and even staring this crap. Huh...interesting. Discord servers are just big chatrooms and once you've downloaded the app onto your iOS or Android phone or your desktop, they're completely free to … That's because I just made a list of all the rules that I could come up with. Make sure you have absolute trust in whoever has access to this. 18 min ago, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. Be aware that this self bot will overwrite target server and using it is against Discord ToS!. Top voted templates… It's likely I'll shift this to a proper repo at some point just to get better control over the commenting. *, On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 4:25 AM ☙ Surya ❧ ***@***. do you mind if i copy these rules for my discord server? Yes, if you enforce them all they would be too strict, but you are not helping. <, Now I am replying to the second message, but when my rules say all caps, it’s as in a ‘don’t be a triggered ‘ type of way, so yes, you can type “LMAOOO” and it’d be fine. Copy and paste emojis for Twitter, Facebook, Slack, Instagram, Snapchat, Slack, GitHub, Instagram, WhatsApp and more. Kein Rassismus. No nicknames with unusual or unreadable Unicode. Punishment: Warn No spam of ANY kind is allowed, this includes @mention spam, reaction spam, copy/paste textwalls, @mentions in AFK’s. This Discord Server is entirely Turkish. that memes shouldn’t be off for the rules, I get some memes are very stupid but if u had actually read his oldest comment saying It was a fork you Community / Streamer / Community Server This discord server template is made for community, streamers and youtubers • With reward roles (optional) View Template. do you mind if i copy these rules for my discord server? No mob radars or cave mods. There is a fork button at the top, which allows you to create your own version based on these rules. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. Keine sexuell expliziten Spitznamen. Your discord server probably sucks. 12. If you don't agree with having a complete no memes rules, and prefer something a little less strict you're completely able to. Keine Anzeige. what is there even to do in this server then??? Convert any Normal fonts into Discord Fonts using our font changer. (prima abatere WARN, la a doua BAN). Keine Erwähnung von @everyone/@here ohne Genehmigung. Please don't be mean towards a minority. Keine Links. Here are some ideas: COPY AND PASTE BUTTON: add some buttons below all permissions for copy and for paste. Mar 11th, 2020. #7. hide. share. I found this on a Reddit post that maybe you should use instead. Obviously sarcastic. Kein Hinzufügen/Ändern/Entfernen Befehlen. No spam - This includes but is not limited too, loud/obnoxious noises in voice, @mention spam, character spam, image spam, and message spam. 7 min ago, Lua | On Sep 20, 2020, at 16:14, ariana ***@***. Keine störenden, lauten oder hochfrequenten Geräusche. View Template. The generator create an alternive text with fancy letters and symbols and mix it to create cool fancy text. Ideas. This way, you won't have to punish users for sharing memes as strictly. Verwenden Sie #channel für Gespräche in einer anderen/anderen Sprache(n). No harassment * There are so many things to consider, so many possible ways that people could ruin your server, and you also wonder about how you can design your rules in such a way that the members will be able to enjoy their time on your server but also not go overboard. New Version, please follow the tutorials at: https://cloner.psiv.me/ instead. This advert is a fantastic starting point to build upon, as it shows that the owner of the server knows what his niche & topic is. GitHub. We need a "discord starter pack" starter pack considering the amount of starter packs. No Gorey, Sexual, or scary content - Screamer links, porn, nudity, death. This is super useful fo Discord servers! Die Moderatoren behalten sich das Recht vor, jeden Beitrag zu bearbeiten. @erwähnung der Moderatoren zur Unterstützung. Keine Hacks. Keine Einladung inoffizieller Bots. October 15, 2020 October 15, 2020 by Sushanta kumar. Here are some rules for content on Discord: You must apply the NSFW label to channels if there is adult content in that channel. Needs to be done. BASIC RULES OF BEING A MODERATOR. @Ryonez Resort to push to talk in your settings to reduce the issue. If you are picking everything, then that's your choice. But isn't it off-topic instead of offtopic. Keine religiösen Diskussionen. Any content that cannot be placed in an age-gated channel, such as avatars, server banners, and invite splashes, may not contain adult content. Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the li Rules subject to change. Check it out :) View Template. Discord Server Rules Template. lazy wont change the fact that you were lazy in the past. Die Regeln gelten für das DMing anderer Mitglieder des Servers. If I was everyone I'd take what interest me and then stop there cause theire are rules like no meme that I'd never take. “Dumbass”. If you have a complaint about another group member, you may message either of the MODS directly. Kein Modding. No climbing mods. READ MY STATUS Here pls join you can find the server link on my status soo yeet! We will soon change this website to a nicer one. Not easy I know, hence the recomendation to keep the list shorter whenever possible. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 401+ Best Discord Status that you can copy and paste – October 2020. Keine Mitgliedschaft für Minderjährige (unter 18 Jahren). This is great but the comments gave me cancer holy fuck. i will use the rules but I'm making MAJOR changes. @Ryonez most people do not notice that this is a fork, and your fork is very popular on Google when searching for Discord Rules (this shows up instead of the original one) so this is why everyone comments on this. If this happens the moderators are trusted to handle the situation appropriately. Honestly, I think this server's extremely helpful for when you want to decorate your own discord server or just send text emojis to friends ~ Information on roles. Hello friends, today I will tell you about some Discord status that you will be very happy after reading, In this post, I will tell you about Discord status with different categories so if you also want to know about Discord status then this post is for you and you … No voice chat surfing or switching channels repeatedly. Oh damn, thanks for the list! ***@***. Once you have a role with those permissions, g o to Server Settings by clicking the dropdown menu next to the server name, or you can right-click the server … Moderators reserve the right to disconnect, mute, deafen, or move members to and from voice channels. No offtopic/use the right text channel for the topic you wish to discuss. copy pasted from one of my servers: Rules (TL;DR Version) 1) We must all follow Discord ToS 2) Please listen to staff and do what they say. Pick and choose etc. We will start with a server advert for one of my partnered servers, Creative Thoughts. Whatever your reason for using Discord, for a game server, a server with friends, fan clubs or for podcasting businesses, you can use custom fonts from Discord fonts … **** commented on this gist. View discussions in 1 other community. ***> wrote: 9 min ago, Java | I will post it here with the edits, maybe someone else will make use of it too !! How to use Deleting your comment though as the y's crossed into the point of spam. Using a Discord server listing site such as https://discord.st has many benefits apart from receiving a custom vanity URL. Search a template or select a category to get started! Anerkennen, verschiedener Meinung zu sein. :) Plain and simple. No exploiting loopholes in the rules (please report them). Do not spam several channels with the same post. I Pretty much just re-worded and took out most of the redundancies. Browse thousands of Emojis for Discord and Slack- The largest emoji index, over one million emojis listed. ... -If a blacklisted member somehow gets back into the server, please notify me, Josh, Mark, Orange, a AD, or Nad to deal with the situation. @poop-man I can refer an official PUBG server … 3. These templates are the most popular! Fara spam pe canalele de text (prima abatere WARN, la a doua BAN).
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Dirk Petzold Tischtennis, Teste Dich Deine Harry Potter Story Als Eine Rose, Kriminalfall Für Kinder, Arabische Lebensmittel Großhandel, Gehalt Teamleiter Bosch,