composite 11th house

Venus' kind, fair and considerate nature considers it rude to probe, and it's sensual side appreciates how an air of mystery can stir attraction. Other composite placements are; Sun – 4th house Venus/mars/Uranus conjunction (stellium) – 3rd house Saturn – 11th house Mercury – 5th house Moon – 7th house Jupiter/NN – 6th house Pluto in the 11th house also indicates intense efforts in humanitarian pursuits that can change the world through mass movements or revolutionary designs. When located in the 7th house of marriage, intimate relationships and open enemies it indicates the two of you will work very hard on this relationship and in so doing you may experience a rebirth of who you are at a very deep level. Sharing something aesthetically beautiful with the world is one way of expressing this placement. You want your clothes, house, and car to look good as these things represent you as a couple and how others see you. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! The 11th house represents friendship circles, groups, & associations, so naturally, there will be deep love felt in their association with each other. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. In the ninth house, the composite Venus makes each member of a couple considerate of the other's ideas and philosophies on life. This couple can easily find success and pleasure in joining social change groups, or organizations that promote a cause. Composite Mercury in the 11th House. @kimikko81 The 7th house cusp (of any chart) is influenced by its long association with Libra, a sign known for its quest for balance. You may enjoy the sensual pleasure of bathing each other or massaging each other for the health benefits of lowered blood pressure and the stimulation of beneficial chemicals in the body. If you want to unsubscribe from this forum please use the link below.[unsubscribe_link]. Pluto here can have a transforming effect on your friendships and the ways in which you and others interact. Sent 3 times a week. This interpretation is from the Relationship Composite Report. The eleventh-house composite sun contributes to a meeting of the minds regarding hopes, dreams and wishes. But the most common scenario with this placement is a “can’t be together” vibe and so the getting together comes in the form of a platonic longing. The couple takes pleasure in discussing the rights and wrongs of society and how we live. This placement increases your feeling of being connected emotionally, and starting a family together feels natural and beautiful. This is a strong placement for Mercury, and suggests a basic feeling of companionability in your relationship. Their ‘home,’ their ‘family’ consists of the close group they gather around them. When engaging in the activities represented by that house, your level of desire for each other increases. A composite Venus here can sooth this house. Click here to sign up! Therefore, a bedroom filled with sensually satisfying decorations and lighting to create a haven for the two of you from the outside world is an excellent way to enjoy this placement. With Venus lending its gifts to the eighth house in a composite chart, a couple can give to please without being so concerned about losses or control, and the result can make each member of a couple more attractive to each other. This is a placement with a very. Venus in the composite chart tells us how the relationship itself will express values (Taurus) and love (Libra). Thoughts: Have you looked at his solar... By Warped by Wuthering Heights, 3 hours ago. Complimenting each other and wooing each other because you each are drawn to the other's genuinely real self-expression is the manifestation of true romance. That's silly. Masculine & Feminine Signs: Are you More Masculine or Feminine? Expressing your true self to each other is pleasurable. Vesta in the 12th House: This is the house of withdrawal. You will be each other's number one fan always supporting the other. Something that crossed my mind tonight when I read a po... @kimikko81 Not understanding every detail about your partner can be very sexy if you just accept it. Your self-image as a couple is usually good because of the high value you put on looking good in the eyes of other people. You also have to take a periodic break from pursuing your own "hopes and wishes." Such a native is very compassionate from the heart and attains wealth as early as at the age of 21. What always ruins this wonderful feeling is a need to understand each other in words. Hello [member_name]!New topic has been created on your subscribed forum - [forum]. 11th House : The social activities and social culture of the couple. This doesn't necessary translate into the deeper parts of your relationship. With Venus here in a composite chart, you may engage in joint creative projects that fulfill your dreams for success in the world. Sign up for newsletter – Heads Up From Elsa. Composite Venus in the 11th house is one of the best placements for an intimate personal relationship. It is the highest point in the chart and often indicates your direction, your goals, it rules status and reputation. So, for example, it's the status and reputation of the couple as a unit that is considered here. The fourth house is the most private house and represents your most personal life. This position can also be a sign of a deep love affair. They support each other in ventures that show their talents to the world. Composite North Node in the Fourth House The axis of the Moon's North and South node is associated with the personal responsibilities your relationship must create and also the natural rewards that will come to you as a result of being together. This couple values an open attitude about philosophies on the meaning of life and why we are here. It's the forever unknown place within each of us that escapes explanation. The 11th house, more than any other, is where the ‘one’ stands for the ‘all.’ Planets falling in the 11th in the composite are naturally gravitating towards growth. The Composite 11th house is the house of hopes, friends and wishes. The negotiating, done in the seventh house, is actually played out with real behavior and effects in the eighth house. You are more able than most couples to work through problems objectively by talking things through and not flying off the handle. When one person feels they are giving more than they are receiving, resentment can build. ), Server: Array You are seen by the world as a peaceful couple who gets along well and has a loving relationship. With the 11th house also ruling change and the future, it can show how change is approached and what future we envision. These activities help to build value in your relationship and make you appreciate each other more. The Composite 11th house is the house of hopes, friends and wishes. A well decorated home that pleases the senses gives you great pleasure as a couple. People with their north node in 11th House crave friendships and belonging to a group, but they are often in their own. You can feel it like waves of desire between you that seem to radiate a heat of passion. Venus can truly appreciate this and enjoy it. However, Venus can get stuck on values that it deems important, and so this placement can create a dynamic where a couple who has very different philosophies will get stuck on their view and want to debate it. Sun in Pisces/12 th House: With a Pisces composite, there must be a spiritual component to the union. ( The 11th is the house of friendship, and at the very least, Venus here will help to make you friends. Paradoxically, you have to withdraw from withdrawing! The Composite 11th House in Astrology The 11th house is the house of friendship, so the composite 11th house can show how we come together as friends in a relationship, the groups we interact with and causes you push for together. Differences in your social values may occur, but are easily dealt with in a peaceful and considerate way. Jupiter in 11th house composite may indicate that the couple have mutual friends. How they are accepted into society. 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What's it like? From the beginning of the relationship, couples with this position know how to. The composite sun is also conjunct my natal sun/moon midpoint and falls in my natal 7th house. Found Love in a hopeless place (12th house synastry and composite) The 12th house is one of the notoriously mysterious houses out of all 12 of the zodiac. Building a home together that is physically satisfying is important. He is a social media freak who starts … The importance you place on this, makes you likely to offer each other kind support to look good in front of others. This power can be either on the material plane, as in business or politics, or it can be personal power such as an intense aura that radiates from them. They enjoy the buzz of fulfillment through dedication to something outside themselves, something beyond the ego identity of the couple. Here you will find a union that is closely tied to a spiritual path or nature, or that is devoted to a humanitarian cause. In the sixth house we follow rules about how to live life well, how to complete tasks efficiently, how to care for our bodies, and for each other, in a practical, physical sense. The public likely receives you positively because you come across as a kind and fair couple who displays their talents with a soft touch. [save-account-details-nonce] => [save-account-details-nonce] => 12th house: this is a good planet to have in a composite 12th house because it allows more direct conversations on anything that may be usually hidden from each other. The Sun is in the 5th House Fun and laughter can abound in this relationship. There is also a focus on art and beauty in your creativity, children, entertainment, fun and sports that you share together. If you want to unsubscribe from this topic please use the link below.[unsubscribe_link]. Your values about how or what you achieve and take from the world may, at times, differ, but these differences are easily smoothed over. Requests: Array With your composite Venus here, these compulsory, functional activities can bring pleasure, and make you desirable to one another. Composite Pluto in 11th house: Pluto has rulership over death and rebirth, regeneration, power, extremes, fanatical behavior and obsession. The most public of the houses, the tenth house, is about your public persona, reputation, status, your career, and how you achieve in the world. How they are accepted into society. This couple finds each other more attractive when they are out in a crowd meeting people. There is a certain beauty to the inexplicable mystery of what draws two people together. Pleasure can be gained by learning about and experiencing as much as possible in the world. Ceres in the Twelfth House: This is the house of hidden things, psychological problems and "restrictions." Because the twelfth house is about the unconscious, it's meant to be a vague place of feelings, not thoughts, ideas, or words. The sixth house, which is about the mechanics of our practical, day-to-day functioning in this world, is softened by Venus. Sun & Moon Combinations: How Well do your Sun & Moon get Along? Sent 3 times a week. As a couple, you are able gain status as nice people while profiting in terms of career and money. When questions go unanswered, suspicions simmer about honesty and integrity. [woocommerce-reset-password-nonce] => You will be supportive of each others goals and even have many of the same interest and ways of going about the things you want in life. I forgot to mention how much I love your u... 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Yours is an intense attraction which draws other people to you and they are likely to be very intense as well. This couple is likely to a have good reputation as nice people who are helpful in the world. Venus here is a good indication that the two of you have harmonious ideals. I find it particularly revealing to look to house placements in order to determine how overt a planet’s energy will be in a relationship. Hello [member_name]!New reply has been posted on your subscribed topic - [topic]. Traveling to absorb and understand as much about the world and its people as possible, is pleasurable to a couple with this placement. Even if a couple agrees to everything in the seventh house, everything can fall apart in the eighth house because it is no longer hypothetical ideas. Discussing these topics can stir attraction as each person is intrigued by the others ideas and openness in sharing them. An agreement to disagree, with respect for the other's point of view, will surely evolve, and this peaceful and fair attitude makes each member of the couple attractive to each other. This combined effort to look good when dealing with the world increases your desire for each other, while making you value one another, at least on the surface. North node in 11th house people often feel that their identity is tied to what others think of them. This is such a natural and comfortable home for Venus in a composite chart, so it has a powerful influence that can get played out two different ways. It's real. Venus, more than any other planet besides the Moon, will suggest the “flavor” of love that the union provides. At least, you are supportive of each other. Together, you value working to live well when your composite Venus is in the sixth house. New user registration on your site [blogname]: To set your password, visit the following address: You asked us to reset your password for your account using the email address [user_login]. In a composite chart, this dynamic is valued in your relationship and makes you attractive to one another. 11th house: you find each other ... Venus in the 12th house in the composite: you guys could come together in your dreams. This self-expression often shows itself through creativity. Pluto is very secretive and your friends may be powerful people who are not generally known by the outside world, but people who work behind the scenes in some way. The desire to please that comes with this placement, increases the pleasure in the relationship. [woocommerce-login-nonce] => However, in the Composite relationship chart, the Libra cusp functions through its focus on justice, often expressed as a desire for ‘equality,’ which usually means each person has to be treated the same. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. There may be common interests, a lot of joking around together; while the two are lively & entertaining in group settings. How harmony is achieved in the relationship is also governed by the sign and house placement. What Is The 11th House In Astrology? You're just a little boy.\" Likely it was the seven-year-old girl who'd been holding court at the children's table, organizing puzzles and, with an oozing superiority, instructing the three and four year-olds not to fold pages or run in the … He will be the initiator of an innovative NGO and will start movements against those in authority. Composite Pluto in 7th house: Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, regeneration, obsession, fanatical behavior and extreme growth. To reset your password, visit the following address: You have been mentioned in a post on \"[topic-title]\" by [author-user-name]. You may enjoy cooking healthy food together or exercising together, even maintaining or cleaning the house together can be pleasurable with this position. The house location of Venus in the composite chart represents the area of life where you find each other most attractive. Venus in the composite tenth house has a beneficial effect, in that it creates a couple with a kind, fair, and pleasing public persona. The desire to enjoy your home and family is strong and gives a great deal of pleasure to you as a couple. The fact that you do it together and help each other, makes you more desirable of each other. Your mutually supportive attitude stirs attraction between you. Report details:Reporter: [reporter], Message: [message]. The composite Venus here is a delightfully beneficial position that brings pleasure to the act of comprising and negotiating in your relationship. If this was a mistake, or you didn\'t ask for a password reset, just ignore this email and nothing will happen. Groups addressed by this house include clubs, organizations, social groups, networking organizations and professional associations. Your image as a couple is important to you both when your composite Venus is in your first house, so you work together to look good in the eyes of others. Often known as the house of creativity, the fifth house, at its core, is about self-expression. An excellent placement for fun and romance, composite Venus in the fifth house increases your level of attraction by creating an atmosphere where you each desire and value genuine self-expression in the other. Nice! The eighth house can get intense. When someone is giving to you, you value them. Any kind of art, or even creating children falls into this house. The 11th house, more than any other, is where the ‘one’ stands for the ‘all.’. It bores me. Lilith in 3rd house synastry/composite might do dirty talking to each other often or get turned on by just talking to each other. When located in the 11th house, it indicates that you will work very hard together in order to reach your goals and ideals. On a personal level I’m not to interested in the 10th house. However, even if this occurs, Venus' power to sooth and please will win over the need to be right or stubborn. The 12th ruled by Neptune and co-ruled by Jupiter (depending on which branch of astrology you study) is all things confined, hidden, secrets, ulterior motives, misunderstandings, and more. Aphrodite in 5th or 11th house in composite chart: You have been brought together for your heart's fulfillment through the fated love you share. The Eleventh House: The House of Friendships. If you have children, they are also greatly valued for their uniqueness. You initially felt drawn strongly together in a destined way. Their scope goes way beyond home and family towards the greater outside world. The seventh house is another natural position for Venus. As the house of hopes, dreams, and wishes, the eleventh house is where we share our creativity and abilities with the public. As you desire a peaceful home where family members are kind and courteous, a wonderful atmosphere is created, increasing your level of attraction in the home setting. ​Your Sun Sign is Your Key to Happiness & Success, Guess Sun Signs by Understanding Sun-Sign Auras, Top Athletes Throughout Time & Their Astrological Signs, Relationship Test: Compatibility Versus Attraction, ​The Secret to Sexual Chemistry is found in our Astrological Sun Signs, The Zodiac Signs & Commitment to Relationships, Moon Sign Compatibility: The Best Indicator of a Long & Successful Marriage, Aries Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Taurus Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Gemini Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Cancer Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Leo Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Virgo Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Libra Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Scorpio Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Sagittarius Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Capricorn Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Aquarius Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Pisces Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction. [woocommerce-login-nonce] => The Composite 10th house represents the couples life direction. The Composite 10th House in Astrology The 10th house rules your goals, ambitions, direction, and public life in the natal chart, so in the composite chart, the composite 10th house can show how you present yourselves as a pair, how you step out into the world together (your public life), and what you work toward together. You want to appear to be an amiable couple. This give and take can involve anything from money to time. You easily express what you are thinking in conversations together, and you each value what the other has to say. From my cozy vantage in one of the overstuffed reading chairs at the local Barnes & Noble, I heard a strident voice, followed by a distinctly snotty laugh: \"No you're not. [_wpnonce] => Your mutually supportive, united front makes people see you as a compassionate, loving couple. Either way, there is a focus on … The 11th house of profits is a house of expansion in which Mercury is able to harness its witty, analytical, and intellectual way of thinking which enables them to generate wealth from multiple streams efficiently. Sun in 11th House: When the composite Sun falls in the house friendship it looks like you guys will be great friends. When located in the 11th house, it indicates that you will work very hard together in order to reach your goals and ideals. A composite Venus in the twelfth house does a pretty good job of appreciating and valuing the nature of this mysterious and nebulous house. In Astrology, the eleventh house is the house of friendship, community, humanity, large groups, our social life as well as people and friends. There may be a high value placed on the heritage of each other's families. Through our friends, we find strength in numbers — we see the power of the collective, the group. Communications between you are friendly, clear, and mostly unbiased. As relationships progress, this inevitably occurs. Sun in Aquarius/Eleventh House: This composite Sun is the most likely to try an unconventional relationship, whether that be long-distance, polyamorous, or perhaps both couples keeping their own homes. Pluto has rulership over death and rebirth, regeneration, power, extremes, fanatical behavior and obsession. Venus wants to be fair. Vesta in the 11th House: Let your friends know that periodically you have to get away from them in order to recharge. It’s intriguing and eye-opening, as always. At most, you help each with your careers. You are likely to spend a great deal of time engaged in the activities of this house because it gives meaning to your relationship. The couple will find each other attractive when operating in any social setting, as your attitude in this setting is kind, peaceful, and pleasing. Thinking in terms of the polarity of houses with the composite chart makes a lot of sense due to the fact that the composite chart is a derived midpoint chart. It gives you a venue to show yourself off as a couple, and demonstrate the wonderfulness of your relationship. Hi Dawn, Thank you for writing this post! North Node in 11th House. Each is curious about what the other is thinking. Venus' kind ways serve to increase the level of value each member of a couple has for each other. [woocommerce-reset-password-nonce] => They will be great at parties—good conversationalists and listeners, but they might not have a lot of close friends as a couple. It refers to clubs, memberships, hopes, goals, ambitions, wishes, social groups, associations and … Welcome, Aqua The relationship is fueled by (and provides) creativity, emotion, compassion, and spiritual connection. ( You want to appear to get along well and have a psychologically healthy relationship. It's an unconscious desire to be together that is undefinable, yet is almost tangible. Pleasure is found in socializing with new people for the couple with the eleventh-house Venus. this could also cause more idealistic approaches to the relationship, or possibly unexplainable feelings of distrust or suspicion. It wants harmony and peace. Involvements with groups, associations and organizations swallow up the individual and keep the individual from gaining a perspective (lost in the group cause or values like a lemming going to sea). In the 11th house/Aquarius: This is the Nessus who is always "active", he can't live without having a cause to fight for. When you let your true self find its form in art, fun, or in how you raise your children, you are experiencing the fifth house. It's easy for you to have fun together because you each value the other, and don't hold each other back from freely expressing yourselves. The, Together you value communication and intellectual stimulation, and get pleasure from it. Together, you value whatever that house represents. Trying to probe and understand things here is fruitless. Literally. In general you value achievement as a couple, and desire a good reputation. Joint artistic projects that you present to the public are an example of this. Questions arise about motivations for the attraction. Do you and  your partner have composite Pluto in the 11th house? In the composite chart, these issues are dealt with by a couple rather than a single person. [woocommerce-edit-address-nonce] => Since the 11th house also rules your hopes and wishes, you could easily have a wish to nurture large groups of people, perhaps by joining (or founding) a humanitarian group of some sort. These could be dreams or wishes about anything from world peace to retiring to a tropical paradise. What it is like to have a couple's composite Sun in the 11th house of friends. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! They find that they become part of the herd in terms of collective values when in any group. The desire to treat each other well when it comes to home and family issues, makes you both seem attractive to one another. This doesn't mean you never disagree, but you do value input from each other. [_wpnonce] => The couple with this placement can enjoy the mystery, and draw sensual pleasure from it. Romance is fed by Venus here because you each value the other's uniqueness and your expression of this valuing is romance. ), Hello [member_name]!Thank you for subscribing.This is an automated response.We are glad to inform you that after confirmation you will get updates from - [entry_title].Please click on link below to complete this step.[confirm_link]. Practical, necessary things in life that are commonly referred to as chores, can bring sensual pleasure with this position, it can be quite enjoyable. Because the eighth house is about merging with someone and being intimate, Venus here also increases the give and take surrounding physical sensual pleasure, which can be very enjoyable. With Venus here in a composite chart, you may engage in joint creative projects that fulfill your dreams for success in the world. You get pleasure as a couple in the house containing Venus in your composite chart, which serves to make the activities of this house valuable to you and to your relationship.
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