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Megatron declared his intent to transform Cybertron into … Once he had the Keys back, Megatron had the lock activated and revealed that he intended to use it on both Cybertron and Earth so he'd have two worlds to rule, starting with Earth. Whether you were born or made, forged or constructed cold, you are trapped inside your alt mode. While they failed to find one in the database, the two Autobots did discover Megatron in stasis, and Bumblebee mind-linked with the Decepticon leader via a cortical psychic patch to try and pluck the cure from his sleeping brain. The Nemesis pursued the Ark to a Space Bridge which ended with both ships being flung to distant parts of the galaxy. As a young, charismatic leader forged in battle and the heritage of war, he began to believe in a grand purpose for his race—it is the Transformers' glorious destiny to rule an empire that will span the universe. However, Darkmount was soon destroyed by an all-out attack by the Autobots. Abandoned What-If? Megatron, somewhat, rooted for the Autobots during their fight with Unicron despite being condemned to eternal suffering by Unicron as Unicron battled Optimus Prime when the Prime attempted to call for Megatron but Megatron was unable to do anything. Frank Welker also voiced Megatron in G1 and reprises the role for the series. Fortunately, Soundwave had recorded his findings, and the data was saved. Megatron then however found himself teaming up with Team Prime, at that time, to counter the threat of Unicron, after Unicron rejected him. Some of his personality traits are shared with Steeljaw, before the former's reformation. Different at different times Megatron is the second character to die and be resurrected with a new body, the first being. We're out numbered. Megatron is stern and can at times be mean and cruel. Rising from the depths to become one with me. D-16 became an energon miner in Kaon and like most miners became a gladiator as a distraction from his horrible life. Sacha Nienhuis. However, Megatron's luck managed to come into effect when Dreadwing, disobeying his orders arrived with the other Decepticons. Voiced by They're everything we could ever want: indestructible bodies, computers for brains and guns for arms. Starscream however, distracted Predaking long enough for Megatron to blast the Predacon out an airlock. Read at your own risk. Though the initial results were promising, he sent Cylas to terminate Raf when the boy's hacking threatened to railroad their plans. You are under my command now and as such you must follow my lead. Megatron is the primary antagonist of Transformers Prime, as well as one of the main characters in War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron. Megatron flew off Cybertron into the galaxy, presumably in self-banishment for his past actions. He proceeded to order Dreadwing to kill her on his upcoming mission, telling him to avoid fighting her in corners. Throughout the series, Megatron has had four second-in-commands. Frieza vs Megatron (Cue:start at 0:36) Wiz: Evil comes in many different forms, whether it be an alien tyrant or a robot. WARNING: The following tab will reveal the numbers of wins and losses for the following character. Overcome by its beauty he vowed to see it again. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He apologized for the recent commotion and asked him if he was harmed in any way. A miracle of science, cloned by Shockwave, recovered from the remains of your body ancestors. ", "You can always be relied upon to listen to reason Optimus. Though "killed", Megatron was awakened by Unicron, who took possession of his body and reformatted him with new improvements upon his chassis. After Optimus unleashed the power of the Matrix, apparently extinguishing Unicron's spark, Megatron went to kill Optimus, only to discover his foe had lost his memory and now believed himself to be Orion Pax. ", "What are you doing? Following the first of the artifact coordinates left by Orion, Megatron and his men unearthed the Spark Extractor. ?, Fixit thought the map looked like Megatron's face. Be grateful for your alt mode, for it defines you. Megatronus was a gladiator in the pits of Kaon, who grew ambitious and saw corruption within the caste system and sought to put an end to it, with his own rule. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ", "That pest is the very one who robbed me of my spark. After leaving the gladiatorial arena for the political one, Megatronus saw fit to shorten his name. 32 ft. (formerly 31 ft.) Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons, arch-enemy of Optimus Prime, and the main antagonist of the Transformers media franchise. Despite the Autobots' best efforts to damage the Nemesis and prevent the bridge from opening, Megatron succeeded in his plans, and then had his showdown with Optimus Prime atop the bridge itself as he waited for the Terrorcon legions to pass through to Earth. ", "You should of heed my advice and face me as a beast. These decisions ended in his own downfall when he was killed by Bumblebee and resurrected by Unicron. When Prime came to confront him, Megatron had already mastered the Dark Spark, specifically its connection to Dark Energon. In truth, it is about control. These qualties soon ended in his own downfall when Bumblebee killed Megatron by stabbing him through the chest with the Star Saber. Megatronis a character from theTransformersfranchise, created byHasbro, and based on a toy design byTakara. When Soundwave decoded another set of Iacon relic coordinates, Megatron initiated a decoy relic beacon to give them the advantage over the Autobots, and went to fetch the latest relic with a team. Status Unfortunately, Bumblebee's intrusion only caused Megatron to become aware of his situation when he found he was unable to kill Bumblebee. ", "I would expect nothing less. If that is the case you may as well use your drill to finish me. When talking to Knock Out, the Decepticon medic asked if they should beef-up the security around the Nemesis. Species Megatron offered the cure in exchange for Bumblebee's help in escaping his mental prison, but Bumblebee double-crossed him, withdrawing from his mind as soon as the cure was in Autobot hands. Among the upgrades was a Super-Luminal Space Drive, which allowed Megatron to reach Cybertron in mere hours without the need for a Space Bridge or ship despite the great distance between the two planets. After the return of Optimus Prime and the destruction of Darkmount,[6] Megatron's forces would continue to dominate in their search for Predacon bones in order to raise an army of beast warriors. Been well? 6 jaar geleden | 169 weergaven. When Orion had overpowered his guards and came to attack Megatron, Orion declared his loyalty to the Autobots, pulled out his blades, and attacked Megatron. I thought you had perished on Cybertron. Megatron stated it has been some time and Airachnid greeted him by stating it was good to be back. However, he didn't count on Ratchet convincing the Predacon that the Decepticon leader was really responsible for the destruction of the clones. Before Optimus became one with Primus, he stated that even Megatron has the ability to change. After viewing the Predacon, Megatron told Shockwave that it did his spark good to see him tampering with creation. And that is why when you see a stranger you don't think, 'What are they like?' Do doubt you will call me Galvatron, right? Predacons Rising You don't think, 'What are their hopes, dreams, aspirations?' Megatronus considered Megatronus Prime to be the greatest Prime as he would not bow to his brothers rules and forged his own destiny. Another weakness that he possessed was the inability to see potential threats, as he did not count on Jack possessing the Key to Vector Sigma, Predaking's ability to transform or Racthet disabling the Nemesis' shielding. Once Soundwave decrypted a new set of coordinates, he got the opportunity to test it on Arcee and Smokescreen when the pair found the first Omega Key, whom he swept aside with ease. Megatron's only real weakness is his arrogance. There are times when his arrogance can trump his intelligence, though not to the same extent as Starscream. Learning what had befallen Optimus, Megatron initially refused to give up the cure until Bumblebee convinced him that he would gain greater satisfaction from finishing his enemy off with his own two hands. ", "They are not the remains of Predacons, Starscream. Seize the day! He then ordered Knock Out and Breakdown to retrieve another artifact before Bulkhead and Bumblebee did. Optimus states that even Megatron has demonstrated the capacity to change, referring to his statement about all Decepticons in. Things took a turn for the worse for Megatron when Arcee was able to get aboard the Nemesis. ", "Move quickly and operate with a surgeon's skill. Megatron's life signal proved to be Unicron's weakness as the Nemesis could track it. ", "If this is my subconscious, WHAT ARE YOU DOING INSIDE MY HEAD??? ", "And how swiftly things change. In the story of the Transformers, Megatron, the evil leader of the Decepticons, has died almost as many times as his opposite number, the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime.The Decepticon has been characterized as a relentless killing machine, a regretful anti-hero, and a dimwitted lackey over the years, but more often than not, Megatron gets a deadly end. Megatron will attempt almost anything to achieve his goals, but his schemes are rarely in any way subtle. He did take a custom to his new weapon, arm, and vowed that even if Optimus has the Iacon relics, it wouldn't be enough to take on Megatron with his new sword. He told Optimus that Starscream was his most trusted lieutenant until he turned traitor and joined the Autobots. After Megatron's return as Unicron's slave, Smokescreen struggles to find a name for the new threat until Arcee cuts him off. Soon after, Megatron lured Optimus Prime to a volcano he had seen in his visions, and during their battle, it erupted with Dark Energon, imbuing Megatron with the power he needed to fell Prime. Guarding the Energon reserves they had managed to secure, while awaiting my arrival. Megatron later tricked Unicron into attacking the still alive Predaking in the hopes the beast would inflict enough damage on him to drive Unicron from his body. Megatron was pleased when Knock Out returned with a force field generator, quickly demonstrating the object's power with his cannon-blast. Why should there be an order? Decepticons (formerly) Autobots Predacons Unicron (formerly) While Megatron battled the beast, he told Airachnid that she and her Insecticon would do best to remember his own previous training in the pits of Kaon. Unicron forcefully told Megatron he would not be a ruler as Unicron would just use his body to destroy Cybertron, much to Megatron's dismay and shock. He and his men were attacked by the Autobots, who got away with the Keys while Megatron was otherwise occupied with fighting Optimus with his fixed Star Saber. Megatron attempted to stress to Dreadwing that the Decepticons needed to be united. ", "... And the first to address him as Optimus Prime will have their voice box torn out. Among names he suggests are Megacron and Unitron, while neglecting the most obvious: Galvatron. Boomstick: But these two have common interest in … Seller 99.8% positive. But after ages of endless battle, the mighty Optimus Prime is felled by a simple virus from a distant past!? ", "Megatron, leader of the Decepticons and your very herald the one who wielded the Dark Energon which binds us to awaken you once again. Unicron transferred his entire mind into Megatron's body and upgraded it into a striking resemblance to Galvatron and took off for Cybertron. Megatron seized the city of Kaon and used it as the capital for the Decepticon army. Ironically, if one only counted Autobots, then Starscream managed to kill more than him on screen (if one doesn't count Bumblebee during the few seconds he was dead).
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