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In Japanse publicaties wordt hij Convoy genoemd. These autonomous robots, Autobots, turned into fearsome warmachines such as sports cars, tape-decks, and Volkswagen Beetles. Optimus is tevens een van de bekendste Transformers. He can operate by remote-control his Combat Deck module up to a distance of 1500 feet. Optimus Prime's spirit will forever haunt that asshole, Judd Nelson. Optimus Prime is je sparringpartner en helpt jou aan deze resultaten: Rust en balans. Optimus Prime (Limited edition promotional variant, 1985) . Mein Onkel heiBt Tom Brady. Optimus become the last Autobot to die and as he died he said "Forgive me Zeta Prime! Ensiesiintyminen: The Transformers (1984) Henkilötiedot; Koko nimi: Optimus Prime: Asema: Autobottien johtaja: Ryhmäsidokset: Primet, Autobotit: Sukupuoli: Mies: Muuntautumismuodot: Kenworth Ajoneuvoyhdistelmä Paloauto Peterbilt 379 Western Star: Näyttelijä(t) Peter Cullen (1984–1987, 2007, 2009–2015), The deliberate demolition of Sherman Dam, the largest hydro-electric powerplant in the Western Hemisphere, The destruction of the Burma Crystal Mine, The illegal invasion of the planet Cybertron into. Many of those were repeats- ABC, NBC, and CBS affiliates that broadcast the same shows at the same times. $\begingroup$ @RSerrao yes although I was told that there is a set of primes named after Optimus Prime. He later used the Matrix to help restore freedom to all sentient beings, destroy the Chaos Crystal and restore the Golden age of the Star Wars and Transformers Universes. In Darth Grievous's vision of the future Optimus Prime was killed by Darth Grievous the Leader of the Sith Legion as he rallied the last of the Autobots most strongest warships to defend the Autobots. - August 9, 2005) was the 40th President of the United States. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. In season three he along with the other Autobot Leaders and Commanders were injured by Darth Grievous, Gigatron, Thundercracker, Skywarp and Starscream in Chapter 25 to Chapter 29 but in the final episode he was repaired when the Matrix is returned to his chest. Shalom, baby! The Autobots rescued the three leaders and had to replace Optimus Primes cosmatron with a new one. A civilian opened fire on the ship and ignited its fuselage, causing it to explode. ", which pretty much abrogates what was said before. He has a high rank known as Prime. As demand for Optimus Prime and the need to sell more toys is great, many have prophesied that Prime shall come again. Injure all the Autobots, killed Trailbreaker, separated the combined Aerialbots, separated Optimus's Sonic Wing mode from Wing Saber, killed the Dinobots and 90 Jedi allies. Meine Mutter heiBt Later he and several other Autobots were hailed as Heros on many planets and declaring the end of the Transformers Wars on all over the news and on HoloNet with Preceptor, Jetstorm and Ultra Magnus standing next to Prime. Most people, however, point to the fact that Allahcron is a planet-eater and hardly the role model of a traditionally moral religious group. Cithakan:Infobox Transformers Optimus Prime (Convoy ing versi Jepang) inggih punika asma kanggé karaktèr rékan lan tokoh protagonis saking serial The Transformers. Ground control at Autobot City failed to pick up any signs of erratic behavior from Flight 93, though witnesses on the ground reported that there was "a hole in the shuttle." The leader of the Autobots in their war against the Decepticons, Optimus Prime is a noble robot that believes freedom is the right of all sentient beings. In the animated series, Optimus is able to fire short-range optic blasts, project holographic maps, and deploy hydro-foils, designed by Wheeljack, to traverse bodies of water with ease. View, comment, download and edit optimus prime Minecraft skins. His Fleets of Minotaur class battlecruisers and Venator Star Destroyers were almost destroyed once due to a sith ambush. Them Decepticons be blitzin' dis mutha-f*ckin' city! Optimus prime kainų palyginimas Nuo 7.99 € Pasiūlymų 7 Akcijos, atsiliepimai Surask pigiau ir sutaupyk! They quote More Than Meets the Eye Volume 3, in which Megatron says "Destruction to all traitors! Within his chest is the Autobot matrix of leadership or the "creation matrix", carried by Autobot leaders.. Beyond Earth, he still holds the undisputed title of Rochambeau Champion of the Universe. Scientists and forensic experts concur that the hijackers used an array of simple instruments such as pulse-blasters, laser rifles, and fusion cannons to nullify the ship's crew. Definition of Optimus Prime in the dictionary. Journalists and scholars say that this is a Western stereotype and that "it depends on how you define Deceptislamic G1had." Optimus Prime killed Wolfman Jack with a trident. Prime Optimus is the sister team of Prime Sentinel. He is a veteran warrior who defeated Megatron years ago by using the Matrix to destroy him. But on Cybertron there is no difference between these professions. Other notable Autbots included Huffer, the chronic whiner, Gears, the chronic complainer and Grimlock, the chronic tard. Information and translations of Optimus Prime in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Unicron Trilogy [ édit | édit sumber ] Dina serial versi 2000 ieu, Optimus Prime … Zijn Engelstalige stem wordt ingesproken door Peter Cullen. He has a strong sense of justice, honor and good morals. In 1794, Americans, led by Optimus Prime, manned up and marched into Michigan, which was at the time part of Canada, and took it away, driving out all the godless Canadian communists, liberals, and bears who had resided there. During a battle with Darth Grievous the evil sith lord open up a wormhole to banish the autobot into the Dark of the void if he does not accept joining the sith. He flies out of the Venator Star Destroyer to battled Darth Grievous and Nemesis Prime in a one on two match and during the battle Darth Grievous mega evolved and did one attack that hurts Optimus Prime the most. Primarily, the Hummer, but also the badass American muscle car and the Big Rigs too. Despite humanity'… The Optimus module is the robotic sentient being that is the storehouse of his vast knowledge and strength. Optimus Prime was about to fall off the ledge but he pull out his Ion Rifle. Social Media & Links 1 History 2 Timeline 3 Player Roster 3.1 Former 4 Player League Participation 4.1 LCK 4.2 NLB 5 Organization 5.1 Former 6 Tournaments 7 Highlight Videos 8 Interviews 9 See Also 10 External Links 11 References Prime Optimus is a Korean League of Legends team. and a blow from his fist exerts a force of 12,000 lbs. These were the early days of cable, and their … How Optimus Prime was a surprising example of true fatherhood Read … Optimus Goldberg Rosenblatt Primestein (July 24th, 9,728,602,820 B.C. Four million years ago, when Decepticons attacked the Ark, he personally chose to crash it onto Earth, a decision that caused him much remorse when the war restarted on Earth in the modern day.Though Optimus allowed himself to be destroyed when he betrayed his own moral code while playing a video game, a copy of his mind survived on a floppy disk. These illegal immigrants from the stars would build giant laser cannons on a weekly basis, using them to blow holes in the moon or turn New York City into a robo-metropolis. Apologists for the Decepticons say that Deceptislam is a religion of peace and that the actions waged by Megatron and his ruffians are the actions of a small group of extremists. Dr. Peter Griffin of Quahog University also claims that Prime was Jewish. Their homeplanet of Cybertronistan has no clean water and deodorant is banned. In Season 2 Optimus Prime became a Hero to the Autobots and the Universe as he defends Cybertron from a massive invasion and help destroy the Malevolence II. Optimus Prime Seslendirmesi Seslendiren : Hakan Topaloğlu. Optimus Prime Inspiriert von Transformers, ist Optimus Prime die perfekte Symbiose aus Technik und Gefühl, der für das Gute in der Zukunft kämpft, und unsere Welt vor dem Untergang beschützt. It was at this time that Prime declared a formal statement of war, a War on Not Being a Pussy. Most economists and nerds agree that the likelihood is great since two powers with the capability of bringing him back from the dead: Quintessons and Hasbro executives. Protesters around America like to chant "Prime lied, kids died" because it's catchy and makes for great t-shirts. ", thus implying that war should only be waged against those who betray the Decepticon cause. The original G1 cartoon series is the major point of reference for Optimus Prime’s character design as it is the original and most favoured among fans and the most influential of all the Transformers cartoons/movies is one happenin' Jewish cat! This item: MasterPieces Transformers MP-10 Convoy (Optimus Prime) w/ Trailer and Pilot $459.99. per sq. Sie ist prima. He later decided to connect the worlds in any universe together by building a new space bridge. He along with Ultra Magnus and Silverbolt were injured in a fight against Darth Grievous. Optimus Prime destroyed the Omega Lock with the Star Saber and escape Cybertron but the Decepticons found out Team Primes secret base and had to evacuate everyone while Optimus Prime stays behind to destroy the Ground bridge. The communications disk antenna mounted on the launcher provides a link between Optimus and all his fellow Autobots within a radius of 50 miles. As a testament to Optimus Prime's superior leadership skills, he managed to lead a troop of giant toys to victory against the mighty Decepticon forces. Both in power and intelligence, he has no equal. Mein Opa heiBt Optimus Prime. Still, most point to his most famous quote, "Peace through tyranny! Having Roller present somewhere is like being there himself. Many translated example sentences containing "Optimus prime" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. His Prime module, also known as Roller, is a small cart-shaped device that he uses to unobtrusively slip behind enemy lines. A chiseled and wise man of the people, Optimus Prime was well loved as an ordinary Joe and a fearless asskicker of ass. in terrorist-speak. Optimus Prime is a powerful hero and the Leader of the Autobots. If he had been on Earth, he would be a … Optimus and Nemesis Prime got into a lightsaber fight and Nemesis Prime tries to escape Utapau by transforming into his purple truck mode with Optimus Prime following him. $\endgroup$ – user328442 Nov 18 '16 at 18:33 $\begingroup$ Google comes up with nothing. The "Unicron Trilogy" version of Optimus Prime is a fictional character of this branch of Transformers lore. During the Transformers Wars he was hailed as a hero for killing both Nemesis Prime and Darth Grievous and used the Matrix of Leadership to counter the dark power of the Chaos Crystal and bring back the Golden age for both the Star Wars and the Transformers Universes. inch. Optimus is very mature, calm, level-headed and patient, as he rarely loses his temper. Optimus Prime is a character from the Transformers franchise. He tried to punch Nemesis Prime but Nemesis Prime used his cape to teleport behind Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime In mijn jeugd speelde ik met Transformers. Cade Yeager Mark Wahlberg Optimus Prime Transformers Transformers: Age of Extinction 3200x1800 - Movie - Transformers: Age of Extinction TorinoGT He can be immensely kind and his compassion extends to all that lives, including the creatures of Earth. He can be cold and ruthless towards his enemies, but he also has a sense of compassion for enemies who were turned from the right path. Powers up offense, defense and speed not to mention heals all damage Je vindt innerlijke rust en balans, bent koersvast en je behaalt betere resultaten terwijl het minder energie kost. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. In den nächsten zwei Jahren, wurden Optimus Prime und die Autobots einschließlich einer Gruppe von Neuankömmlingen, die auf die Nachricht von Prime reagiert hatten, Teil einer Transformer menschlichen Militärgruppe namens NEST .Zusammen verfolgten sie die restlichen Decepticons, die sich auf der Erde … It can be adapted to a satellite hook-up that increases its effective range 10-fold. While the other terrorist legions of the world tried to overthrow America through politics or collapsing the occasional office building, the Decepticons were much less subtle. The loss of 7,846 Autobot soldiers pales in comparison to the 55,678 Decepticon casualties which include combatants, civilians, dogs, cats, and bears. Prime … He has a high rank known as Prime. Sie ist 50 Jahre alt. Prime Gaming. He also has a chrono rift device that can slow down any air and ground warriors including Starscream but it only lasts for 10 minutes. According to Bob Budiansky, co-writer of the Transformers series, Dennis O'Neil made his name. He loaded the injured Wing Saber into his trailer and escaped the crumbling Sith fortress alive. Er spielt Football. When pressed down, you hear the Iconic voice of Peter Cullen proclaim: "I am Optimus Prime" When transforming, a hidden button plays the transforming sound.
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