8 people had this problem. This is NOT my internet because we have lots of other games and this never happens. I bring the big update of the mod, counting now with 152 loading screens in total among all the maps, around 980MB Posted by Eliather on Dec 12th, 2020 First of all I want to thank StarLord (Discord), for teaching me to compile these screens on my own, making my work much easier, also Ivan for giving me his good points about my screens and helping me to test them. Felucia loading screen. Credits: Dulana57 Chucky for Clone Texture StarWars.com for additional images You can support me on Patreon for early access to updates or join my Discord Server for notifications on updates 2. Recently added 38 View all 1,219. I've recently got SW Battlefront but today I tried to play some Multiplayer and when the game was on the loading screen it was stuck there forever please help! Stuck at the start loading screen on PC. 8 comments. New chevron_right. More to come :)Please remember to like, leave a comment to let me know what you think or subscribe if you are new to my channel - that would be awesome! Solved! Me too. save. Could you please provide more information about your issue? Happy 20th Birthday to Combat Mission Beyond Overlord. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. * If someone has helped and solved your issue please accept it as a solution. Games. Fans looking to enjoy Star Wars Battlefront II after grabbing it for free on Epic Games Store are experiencing crashes due to the suddenly high server traffic. 1.0.1. Replaces the Loading Screen with my edit of Dulana57's Battlefront 2005 Cover Recreation. March 2019 Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Dec 10, 2020 @ 1:33pm Stuck on loading screen Hi, I cannot play single player campaign because it's stuck on loading screen. Post a comment. Battlefront 2005 Cover Recreation - Loading Screen; Battlefront 2005 Cover Recreation - Loading Screen. 7 comments . 2.2k. star wars, battlefront, loading screen, bespin, cloud city, gif. hide. 75% Upvoted. < > Showing 1-12 of 12 comments . Stuck at the start loading screen on PC. I'm using the Steam Community because the EA forums are basically non existant and have never seen a single thread about this issue but many other have this same problem. Last updated 29 April 2020 7:28PM. The first answer is update your drivers, but you can also try enabling DX12 in the advanced Video options menu then restart the game for this change to apply. chevron_right. 1 year ago. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. chevron_left . 0 Accepted Solution Re: Battlefront 2 stuck loading. Close. (Bug) Battlefront 2 Game stuck in launch loading screen for 10 or more mins PC. Created by Dulana57 . March 2019 I loaded the new update, started the game and it worked but the game was laggy as hell so i restarted the game. Then sometimes, it kicks me off and I have to reconnect. chevron_right. Virus … Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) close. Afterwards it says in origin a new patch is available and that I should refresh to get it. Stuck at the start loading screen on PC. Archived. About the Uploader. Hello. How to fix this? Disabled full screen optimization,Tried running game as admin but it wont launch. The first answer is update your drivers, but you can also try enabling DX12 in the advanced Video options menu then restart the game for this change to apply. By Albe Pavo, February 19, 2013 in Combat Mission Fortress Italy. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Get shareable link; Print; Email to a Friend; Report; Sith_Behnam ★★★★ Novice. Posted by 1 year ago. I have a lunch PS4 and that loading sometimes take 2 to 3 minutes. Was it a crash or was the game searching for servers? save. Game stuck on loading screen. Message 1 of 5 (2,351 Views) Reply. Whenever I started the game, the screen would just show a half black and half white screen. Join the community today (totally free - or sign in with your social account on the right) and … Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) close. I updated my … So when I launch the game, it's on the loading screen and then it crashes and takes me to origin. Isaac1138 Dec 11 2020. Mark as New; Bookmark ; Subscribe; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Get shareable … Close. 3. * If you like the comments of other players please give them XP. Stuck at the start loading screen on PC. Dec 10, 2017 @ 7:10pm try … Product: Star Wars Battlefront IIPlatform:PCI want to talk about something you don't mention above: Game stuck loadingHow accessible is the current experience? Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Errors, Crashes, Black Screen, Detected Driver 0.0.0, Connectivity Issues, Random Restarts And Fixes By Will Benson Nov 17, 2017 Jan 19, 2021 Share Share Loved this choice of music so much I couldn't help but to upload it.Songs: Anakin's Dark Deeds & Anakin's BetrayalComposed by John Williams Star wars battlefront loading screen. Browse all chevron_right; Browse all chevron_right. videogame_asset My games. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Doesn't fit on my screen I recently bought BF2 (2005) and I have windows 10. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. Jul 10, 2019 @ 6:47pm Got this same … Star wars battlefront 2 stuttering on pc is a big issue these days and we've collected enough information to help you out fix this issue, follow our guide and get rid of the stuttering of this game on your pc. report. 2 years ago . Stuck on the first loading screen help pls < > Showing 1-5 of 5 comments . I want to talk about something you don't mention above: How accessible is the current experience? That seemed to finally get the game working without darth vader minigames. Close. If you are on PC, updating your GPU drivers and Repairing the game in Origin client should fix this. Original upload 05 April 2020 9:31PM. 1.0.1. Maybe try this before deleting the folder … Replaces the Loading Screen in the game with my Battlefront 2005 Cover Recreation. Battlefront 2 Black Screen Bug A lot of players reported Black Screen bug when loading and while equipping items. Battlefront 2 Black Screen Bug A lot of players reported Black Screen bug when loading and while equipping items. 363k members in the StarWarsBattlefront community. Been happening since i updated it. - last edited Loading screen Special Upgrade 4 Tech Tips. Dec 10, 2020 @ 5:16pm I'm in the same boat #1. test. ___________________________________________________________. Starwars Battlefront 2 Crashes On initial load screen Ok so heres the thing i have been trying to figure this out for like a month. (Bug) Battlefront 2 Game stuck in launch loading screen for 10 or more mins PC When i was downloading the game i could play arcade the loading screen toke like a min now it … Games. Close. share. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. chevron_left . ... Replaces the loading screen with a 69k Norman version. Happy 20th Birthday to Combat Mission Beyond Overlord. Permissions and credits Credits and distribution permission . By Albe Pavo, February 19, 2013 in Combat Mission Fortress Italy. Felucia loading screen. Tricky Lou. A steelbook is a limited high quality premium metal case. Two pairs of lines will close in on the coordinates to the sound of the classic bleeps and zoom in to view, starting with space as the initial screen, then an orbital view of the planet, next an overhead shot of the map, and finally a camera flyby of the battlefront. Also, turning off the 4K UI in the graphics options will fixed it. Very good, this mod focuses on modifying the old loading screens for newer ones and HD, at the moment there is only a complete version for the 1980 x 1080 resolution, about 152 completely different loading screens. … hide. Last updated 29 April 2020 7:28PM. Recently added 35 View all 1,216. I'm stuck on ps4 loading screen. For me, its 1920 x 1080 and the game fits fine. Yes Reply Good karma +2 votes. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I am really sorry for those troubles with the game. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Textile Embed. 83% Upvoted. A new hero a story untold in an emotionally gripping new star wars campaign that spans over 30 … share. #2. Uploaded by Dulana57. 96. EA_Blueberry: Edited title … 96. Browse all chevron_right; Browse all chevron_right. Replaces the loading screens with ones in the style of the original Battlefront game from 2004. Dec 26, 2020 @ 1:15pm Updating drivers could also solve the problem. I did it and it got rid of the problem, Hi im having the same problems i deleted settings still di not work, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Also, the loading after the little video briefing you the sectors sometimes takes way too long. Rebel Scum. New … I moved this post by the way to the appropriate place on the forum. View all games. if you have that bad of a computer, time to upgrade. This version works in english game, only works in resolution 1366 x 768, pack includes 152 differents loading screens in total. Start star war battlefront 2, be at main menu, click options, then click the "Video" tab, then at Resolution, make sure to set it at the resolution you want or whatever fits your monitor. tried running in borderless window (ram jumped from about 10.5 GB to 22GB on the loading screen) and no I am not using DX12. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Yea my battlefront II (PC) is stuck on the infinite loading. When I enable DirectX12, it does not crash, but it just keeps on loading, the game doesn't start. 1 year ago. I have tried reinstalling it twice. And then it takes forever to load into games? Sign in or join with: Only registered members can share their thoughts. I really enjoyed the campaign, but not being able to play multiplayer with my friends really sucks. tried running in borderless window (ram jumped from about 10.5 GB to 22GB on the loading screen) and no I am not using DX12. Endorsements. March 2019 hi it's about 2 months that when I'm trying to play SWBF2 it get stuck in the first loading and never show the main menu, i was busy with other … Very disappointed so far, lots of glitches, players get stuck, can't move for long time, I watch other players stuck in place also. by 48 comments. Compatible in Spanish or English. Hi Guys, Seriously this is just the loading screen! By deafult, the game loads strangely for resolution so reinstalling probably wouldnt help #1. gourmet_roadkill. Claim Authorship Edit History. Cataloger & Pundit & Media Bus Boy . star wars battlefront 2 crashes on loading screen HOME; ABOUT US; CONTACT Very good, this mod focuses on modifying the old loading screens for newer ones and HD, at the moment there is only a complete version for the 1980 x 1080 resolution, about 152 completely different loading screens. ****UPDATE**** buy an external hard drive if you are on Xbox, seemed to help me. If you're having connection or lag problems in Star Wars Battlefront, try some of our common connectivity tips and make sure to open the appropriate ports : Sort by. report. Every time I launch the game, it gets stuck on the loading screen with the Battlefront 2 logo.I have googled the issue, and tried everything. The subreddit dedicated to the discussion of the Star Wars: Battlefront … Press J to jump to the feed. User account menu. This thread is archived. test. 99% … When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. I have tried very many times now and it says the same every time. :/, Did this already with same result graphics drivers are updated and have already done a repair to game files. Original upload 05 April 2020 9:31PM. - Jan 10 2021Replaces the loading screens with ones in the style of the original Battlefront game from 2004, complete with visuals and sounds. Tried deleting the battlefront 2 folder in my doc's. share. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And people think the Sonic 06 Loading times were bad. 4. report. Created by Dulana57 . Instructions for Upgrading CMFI to Engine 4. Tried deleting the battlefront 2 folder in my doc's. Version. chevron_right. Today's Top Image Galleries . 75% Upvoted. chevron_right. This thread is archived. I can't play the gameHow can we reproduce this experience? no chance to play the campaign further at that point. You ever play the total war series? Is anyone else having issues with battelfrony taking like 5 minutes just to get to the home screen? Options. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this … Anyways, My issue if that every time i join a match, I get an obnoxiously long loading time (~2-5 minutes) It is always "Optimising Shaders" then proceeds to load for that long time. Games. To learn more check out our shot with geforce. I can join a game but as soon as it comes time to play and get into the action my screen turns black. … What is your platform (PC;Xbox One; PS4) ? Anyone else with this issue or know how to fix it? May 2017 videogame_asset My games. Mods. Options. best. Are you seeing these issues on Battlefront or Battlefront 2? report. 10 minutes to load up the game, 10 minutes to load up a battle, followed by another 10 minutes to load back to the map. WE NEEDS TO FIX THIS. - last edited What should I do? Replaces the Loading Screen with my edit of Dulana57's Battlefront 2005 Cover Recreation. Can anyone help? 11,998. PC Third-Party messaging software causing game screen to go black Performance, PC Tab out of the game, or interact within the invasive app screen, to fix the issue. Instructions for Upgrading CMFI to Engine 4. I'm using the Steam Community because the EA forums are basically non existant and have never seen a single thread about this issue but many other have this same problem. EA’s Star Wars-themed multiplayer shooter is just the latest in a series of free titles being offered up by Epic over the past few years, much to the delight of players stuck at home and strapped for cash amid a global pandemic. View all games. My Game is stuck in an infinite loading screen on start. It's useless to meSummarize what in the product is difficult to use. Posted by 1 year ago. Archived. save. Did you try anything to solve your issue? I downloaded it, and when i wanna start the story mode it gets stuck on the loading screen, anyone with the same problem? User account menu. Log In Sign Up. Disabled full screen optimization,Tried running game as admin but it wont launch. Game stuck on loading screen. Posted by. Galactic Republic. Star Wars battlefront stuck on loading screen, The Fort Tarsis Lounge - Creators' Corner. Nigel the treasure hunter. ... Star Wars Battlefront - Loading screen! When i was downloading the game i could play arcade the loading screen toke like a min now it almost never loads in anymore. Yea my battlefront II (PC) is stuck on the infinite loading. 3. The game gets stuck on the loading screenHow is this making it more difficult? Games. Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) close. Compatible in Spanish or English. Screenshot. 1. Also done a lot of things i read in the forum. Two pairs of lines will close in on the coordinates to the sound of the classic bleeps and zoom in to view, starting with space as the initial screen, then an orbital view of the planet, next an overhead shot of the map, and finally a camera flyby of the battlefront. Fortunately, there is a solution for the Battlefront 2 stuck on loading screen bug. This another one of the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 … Summarize what in the product is difficult to use. Reply Good karma Bad karma +1 vote. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Multiplayer works fine. I downloaded it, and when i wanna start the story mode it gets stuck on the loading screen, anyone with the same problem? The game doesn't fit on the screen and is cut off at the top and when I go to instant action I can't see the bottom 2 boxes where you select what map to play and how to start the game, any help? Mods. Worth to reinstall the GPU drivers for your PC. The game gets stuck on the loading screen. Avast is the problem, when I originally tested renaming the game folder on documents, I also … Archived. 2.2k. To fix, you have to … View all games. Screenshot. Loading screen. May 2017. Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) close. Been happening since i updated it. Archived. 4. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information . William. Also, turning off the 4K UI in the graphics options will fixed it. Ive been waiting for 15mins and its still loading. Happens every time I launch the game, Every time I launch the game, it gets stuck on the loading screen with the Battlefront 2 logo.I have googled the issue, and tried everything, go to documents/starwars battlefront 2/settings delete the settings in that folder. Additionally, my loading times were terrible, although I have a pretty decent rig. STAR WARS Battlefront II stuck in first loading screen. Star Wars Battlefront 2 stuck on loading screen fix In order to … Turn off the firewall. 4 comments. Browse all chevron_right; Browse all chevron_right. So far, I have verified the game files both on steam and origin. Uploaded by Dulana57. 4. After 5 minutes I restart my PC. Here is how I solved it, in case someone is experiencing the same issue. hide. 2.2k votes, 48 comments. Anyone else with this issue or know how to fix it? @fandiokamwaj @HashyGaming I had that exact same issue, rather than delete the settings folder you change some strings.Instructions here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Optimizing-Shaders-Infinitely-At-Launch-Fix/m-p/9296189#M... Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Anyways, My issue if that every time i join a match, I get an obnoxiously long loading time (~2-5 minutes) It is always "Optimising Shaders" then proceeds to load for that long time. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Could anybody give me a solution? This thread is archived . Starwars Battlefront 2 Crashes On initial load screen Ok so heres the thing i have been trying to figure this out for like a month. videogame_asset My games. EA_Blueberry. share. STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II > General Discussions > Topic Details. Sir_DarkShadow. * Tag me with @EA_Atic if you are responding to me. New … I try to launch battlefront again, I go into loading screen and it freezes and then crashes. Inferno Squad. Ive been waiting for 15mins and its still loading. This version works in spanish and english game, only works in resolution 1980 x 1080, pack includes 152 differents loading screens in total. Endorsements. Log in to view your list of favourite games. I had a some annoying problems with my Battlefront 2 (2017). Ty < > Showing 1-6 of 6 comments . chevron_left . Have … Virus … New comments cannot be posted and … videogame_asset My games. Do you have any error messages? May 2017 Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) ... and it takes about 3-4 minutes for a loading screen to pop up, i have everything set to low and the game doesn't lag that much, but what i want is so it can load faster, anyways to increase the game's Memory Cache or something like that?
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