Nenhuma das opções acima? Triple 381mm Prototype (BL 15" Mk III) Equipment Type: BB Gun Blueprints needed to craft: 25 Blueprints Description: A HE BB gun. SB2C Helldiver. Feel free to experiment with this gun as secondary weapon for backrow ships, though. Add new page. You really are an idiot, wasting such precious resources on me… - ShiranuibrbrShiranui can be one tough cookie… but dont let her get you down With the Shiranuis Prized Goods Release Sale, you can grab all the essential resources to wreck any incoming schooners brbrThe Shiranuis Prized Goods Release Sale includesbr・Twin 100mm Type 98 Advanced AA Gunbr・Twin 127mm MK12 … Azur Lane Ammo Type Modifiers (Table) Azur Lane Gun Damage Equation Azur Lane Simplified AA Equipment Guide Azur Lane Dorm Guide WHAT EQUIPMENTS SHOULD I USE IF I HAVE NOTHING BUT CRAP RNG HATES ME HALP: Transitional(Bad) Equipment Guide Azur Lane Equipment Tiering System Explained Quick and Dirty Cat Guide(JP/CN-Only) Parodies Azur Lane Weeaboo … D&D Beyond Você quer dano? Azur Lane is a side-scrolling shooter created by Shanghai Manjuu and Xiamen Yongshi, originally released in 2017 for iOS and Android platforms. Que tal um rápido exercício de imaginação? 37mm AA 70K; 5. Messerschmitt Me-155A. The 65 acquisition range may be helpful in improving reaction time against fast-moving suicide boats.When(if) the purple T3 version comes out, I’m assuming that the range would stay at 65 only with better stats (and being +10 moddable), which would make it much more of a backrow gun contender than this T2 version. Jump to: navigation, search. Possui todos os seus status muitíssimo semelhantes aos da MK6, mas munição que a torna muito inadequada para mapas onde armadura leve reina. Prototype Twin 203mm (Type 3) Mounted Gun; Pyoko-Pyoko; Q Quadruple 20mm AA Flakvierling 38; Quadruple 28mm AA Chicago Piano; Quadruple 330mm (Mle 1931) Quadruple 356mm (BL 14" Mk VII) Quadruple 380mm (Mle 1935) Quadruple 40mm AA Vickers Pom Pom; Quadruple 40mm L60 Mk2 Bofors; Quadruple 533mm Homing Torpedo; Quadruple 533mm Torpedo; Quadruple 610mm … Prototype 410mm Triple has comparable base stats to the Mk6, but fires AP shells. - USS Arizona. The only ship where the twin 381 makes a noticeable difference on is Hood since she has a very low firepower of 312 at level 100 vs other BBs who average around 380 fp. •Modificador inherente alto (130%) junto con un patrón de disparo favorable (1x3). Full Ship List; Ship Information; Retrofit; Limit Break; Strengthening Ships; Enhancing Equipment; … Mounted in three 3-gun turrets (nine per ship), they served as the main armament of the two Yamato-class battleships that were in service with the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. Dockyard Main. Pages in category "Equipment" The following 168 pages are in this category, out of 168 total. Note: This list is a work in progress and may be changed without notice. Recommended Loadouts: [General Purpose] 406MK6 (vs Light) or Prototype Triple 410mm Mounted Gun (vs Medium/Heavy); 128SKC; Twin 40mm Bofors STAAG; Type 1 Shell; SHS Shell Você quer dano? Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? 927 Pages. BTD-1 Destroyer. A6M5 Zero. •ROF y DPS son mejores que los 203 mm. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Triple 203mm (SK C/34 Prototype) | Azur Lane Wiki | Fandom. La baja dispersión se debe a que dispara una shell a la vez 3 veces. Light cruisers are usually jack … So amusingly the Triple 410mm gun has better anti-light armor damage, though it's still pretty bad. For anti-medium/-heavy performance, the Italian 15" rounds are better than the Japanese 16.1", especially once you account for the improvements to Littorio's barrage that the 381mm M1934 provides. F6F Hellcat. Buy Azur Lane Crosswave Complete Deluxe Edition Bundle / コンプリートデラックスエディション / 完全豪華組合包 ... ・Triple 155mm Advanced Mounted Gun ・Sample Triple 152mm Main Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 203mm Main Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 150mm Main Gun (SK C/25) T0 ・Sample 381mm Mounted Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 410mm Mounted Gun T0 ・533mm Quintuple Advanced Homing … If you'd like to include a temporary reload buff (e.g. 533mm Quadruple Homing Torpedo Mount; 533mm Quadruple Torpedo Mount; 533mm … Also enter the reload stat for the battleship in question (potentially including fleet tech) and the percentage reload buff, if any. La precisión es muy buena. While this reduces its value as a general-use gun, it's a potent gun when fighting bosses with medium or heavy armour. ・Twin 100mm (Type 98) Advanced AA Gun ・Twin 127mm MK12 Advanced Dual Gun ・Triple 155mm Advanced Mounted Gun ・Sample Triple 152mm Main Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 203mm Main Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 150mm Main Gun (SK C/25) T0 ・Sample 381mm Mounted Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 410mm Mounted Gun T0 ・533mm Quint Adv Homing Torpedo Mt The following tables lists all the equipment that can be used in Battleship Main Gun slots. From Azur Lane Wiki. Light cruiser(CL) gun choices are less polarizing compared to destroyers. Bem, essa é a Prototype Triple 410mm Mounted Gun. Equipment Priority: Twin 203mm (Mle 1924) > Prototype Triple 203mm AA = Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun >Prototype 203mm (type3) = Twin 203mm (M1927) > Twin 203mm (SKC) Azur Lane Equipment Guide 2020: CA Guns. Register Start a Wiki . The 46 cm (18.1 in) 46 cm/45 Type 94 naval rifle was a wire-wound gun. XF5F Skyrocket. For the rest of the slots, a mix and match … For the secondary, get the twin or the triple 52mm gun. 100mm Twin High-angle Cannon; 102mm AA QF 4" Mk V; 12.7mm AA M2 Browning; 127mm AA Type 89; 2. The triple 406 has a whopping dps of 19.48 and shot damage of 3x156 with a reload of 24s. Imagine a MK6, só que AP. ・Sample Triple 410mm Mounted Gun T0 ・533mm Quintuple Advanced Homing Torpedo Mount ・610mm Triple Advanced Torpedo Mount ・533mm Quintuple Advanced Torpedo Mount ・Twin 40mm Bofors STAAG Mk II T0 ・Twin 100mm High-Angle (Type 98) T0 ・Advanced Hawker Sea Fury ・F4U (VF-17 “Pirate” Squad) T0 ・Advanced Fairey Firefly ・SBD Dauntless … Azur Lane(EN) In-Depth Equipment Guide Series: Light Cruiser Main Guns Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; September 13, 2018 Return to Index . The damage also scales with skill level. When the turrets and the guns were mounted, each weighed 2,510 tons, which is about the same tonnage as an average sized destroyer … On the other hand nobody gives a fuck about BB AP vs light armor anyway, that's what BB HE is for. F4U(VF-17 “Pirate” Squad) A7M Reppuu. Amagi Recommended Equipment. Esta arma tiene una ventaja significativa sobre otras opciones de HE. Azur Lane Wiki. * Main Gun ammo is overrideen to SHS (60/135/115, shells fire at extremely high angles and fall from the sky) and salvo damage increases the farther the shots land, up to +30% dmg. Wikis. The best gun on the list, the Twin 203 MLE 1924, is event exclusive, so you might not have more than one of it. Games Movies TV Video. The twin 410mm has dps of 15.31 and shot damage of 2x154 with a reload of 20s. Você quer tempo de recarga rápido? SBD … Name Image Stars Nation Firepower Anti-Air DMG RoF Ammo Twin 356mm (41st Year Type) ★ 0 0 38 24.20s Normal Twin 356mm (41st Year Type) ★★ 5 0 42 23.04s HE Twin 356mm (41st Year Type) ★★★ 12 0 46 21.89s HE Triple 356mm (14"/50 … 410mm Mounted Gun. 381mm Triple M1934 is something of a sidegrade to the prototype 410mm triple. Instructions: Enter the absolute cooldown for the battleship's main gun (in seconds), as well as any any relevant cooldown reduction. Lastly, Crippling Strike gives Amagi a 40% chance to launch a frontal barrage when she fires the main gun. •Obtenible a partir de: … Nome alternativo: Izumo gun. Skill: 50% chance on Main Gun fire to heal the vanguard by 10% of their max HP. Light Cruiser Main Gun Overview. Functionally similar to the Triple 406mm Mk 6, it trades some raw damage for more FP and a better RoF.Basically a barrage version of the Triple 406mm Mk 6 but it's still slower compared to the Twin 381mm Mk 2 Prototype and the Twin 410mm Mounted Gun.. Best … 20mm AA Oerlikon; 25mm AA Type 96; 3. Dockyard. Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun •El mejor arma de HE para CA a partir de ahora. The Shiranui's Prized Goods Release Sale includes: ・Twin 100mm (Type 98) Advanced AA Gun ・Twin 127mm MK12 Advanced Dual Gun ・Triple 155mm Advanced Mounted Gun ・Sample Triple 152mm Main Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 203mm Main Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 150mm Main Gun (SK C/25) T0 ・Sample 381mm Mounted Gun T0 ・Sample Triple 410mm Mounted Gun T0 … Prototype Triple 410mm Mounted Gun. Prototype Twin 457mm Main Gun (18″ MKA) Triple 406mm MK6 Main Gun. 1. Triple 410mm (10th Year Type Prototype) Type: Battleship Main Gun Rarity: Super Rare ★★★★★ Nation: Sakura Empire Entretanto, como mencionei na introdução, AP tem momentos … Prototype Triple 410mm Mounted Gun. What is recommended is the triple 410mm prototype gun or triple 406mm gun on the main guns. Most light cruisers as of now don't rely too much on their firing trigger-based skills.
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