Game launch options from Steam's Library. Windows shortcuts pointing to steam.exe with the proper -applaunch specified (see Steam section below). Steam Library Atlas Launch Properties. The most common launch options are listed below.-autoconfig - Restores video and performance settings to default for the current hardware detected. stat Unit – Overall frame time as well as the game thread, rendering thread, and GPU times. Commands marked with Y in the cheat column need to be prefixed with admincheat if used on a multiplayer server. First, you need to access the admin area in the game. Go to your Steam Library, right click atlas, properties, set launch options and paste this code in: -high -USEALLAVAILABLECORES. If you see any errors, please let me know and i will update them here in the guide. These can be used on console after enabling cheats with the admin password (enablecheats password). r.shadowquality 0 – Turn Off Shadows. Command: Description: enablecheats Logs you in as the administrator: setcheatplayer true/false: enables/disables the cheat menu: showmyadminmanager: Shows the admin manager of your Atlas server: cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck Whitelists the persons Steam ID: cheat … Command-line batch script files launching these applications. For some commands, you will need a user’s Steam64ID. Ignores settings inside any .cfg files until this parameter is removed. 1 Usage 2 Commands 2.1 EnableCheats no way to open the console Some of these commands are not available until you have authenticated yourself with the enablecheats command. Admin Commands. You can obtain that by going to, adding their Steam account name, and then copying the data from the Steam64 value. setres – Set the resolution. In single-player mode you neither need any cheat or admincheat before the command … Command Description; enablecheats Logs you in as the administrator: setcheatplayer true/false: enables/disables the cheat menu: showmyadminmanager: Shows the admin manager of your Atlas server: cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck Whitelists the persons Steam ID: cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck Removes the … Atlas Cheats and Console Commands. Many Console Commands can function as a launch option by adding a "+" in front of the console command, but some cannot be used in this fashion. Command Description; enablecheats Logs you in as the administrator: setcheatplayer true/false: enables/disables the cheat menu: showmyadminmanager: Shows the admin manager of your Atlas server: cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck Whitelists the persons Steam ID: cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck Removes the … This command forces the Steam client to run even if Steam has administrator privileges.-gameoverlayinject. Atlas Admin Commands Other useful commands. Not too much is known about Atlas right now due to just being released and i will update this guide as more is known. Use Ctrl + F to find code for your desired items. This is a very simple thing that will solve a good chunk of your performance issues if the game is for some reason not utilizing all of your cores. This is a repost as it was falsely DMCA'd by someone claiming to "own" the commandline publicly provided by the Atlas developers. Atlas Admin Commands This guide will provide you with the admin commands for Atlas. Dye codes are at the very bottom. Stat FPS 1 or Stat FPS 0 – Enables/Disables the fps overlay. This is done by typing.enablecheats adminpassword These commands can be used in-game to help administer your server. This command lets you set the method on how the GameOverlay is injected.-install This lets you install a product from a specific path (such as “D” can be a path if D is the DVD-ROM present in the computer). Some of the Ark console commands work on Atlas, for example: cheat addexperience 1000 0 1 Adds experience PC Console Commands. Examples. Simple Control+F to find your specific cheat! ATLAS is a massive pirate-themed fantasy sandbox — and if you’ve started your own server, you’re free to use a wide selection of cheat codes to make the game a little more interesting.
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