ark pvp ini file 2020

Example: Removing Trike and Pteros from the Beach. For Single Player: Right click in your Steam client on the game's name in the Library, choose Properties, tab General, button "Set Launch Options...", enter the options. Lots of detailed sky features are disabled, such as clouds and starry night sky. option for bRawSockets servers to only utilize a single thread for networking (useful to improve performance for machines with more servers than cpu cores, on Linux in particular), Defaulted dedicated server ?bRawSockets mode to. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Additional lines can be added with other resource types, such as Wood, Stone etc.Introduced in patch 189.0, Dino classnames can be found on the Creature IDs page.Introduced in patch 194.0, TamedDinoClassDamageMultipliers=(ClassName="",Multiplier=). (to avoid saves from clashing each server should use distinct values for: ?AltSaveDirectoryName=). Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) “Look for the helpers” – Celebrities helping out amid Texas storm; New Movie Releases This Weekend: February 19th – … It seems that as of. Higher values prolong the time. A multiplier on how fast tamed dinos lose torpor. All of your CPU cores will be used, if all of them are not being utilized after using this launch option, then try to disable it! Allows using the sytem time. It also affects the taming-times. Enable this option for a fixed constant decay period for "Fast Decay" structures (such as pillars or lone foundations). The default value, Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage dinosaurs receive when attacked. -Ignores OverrideEngramEntries and OverrideNamedEngramEntries entries. Quetz platforms will not allow any non-allied dino to base on them when they are flying. The default value, Specifies the scaling factor for the experience received by players, tribes and dinosaurs for various actions. - HG Shotgun Womanizer Ammo, used with Pump-Action Shotgun give 12 shots. The default value, Specifies the scaling factor for the damage structures deal with their attacks (i.e. Rather than having multiple entries each defining a single replacement, it must be a single entry mapping all of them. A multiplier on how fast tamed dinos consume food. The higher number, the faster you collect, Higher number increases (by percentage) the damage done to a harvestable item/entity by a Player. A multiplier on how fast wild dinos consume food. A multiplier on how fast Imprinting Qualitiy decreases after the grace period if you haven't yet cuddled with the Baby. The minimum value is 0.25, and for multiplayer games, it should not go below 0.5. (500 on official servers). SteamIDs for all connected players can be listed in-game via the cheat ListPlayers command. : PrimalItemResource_Electronics_Child_C instead of PrimalItemResource_Electronics_C). (if Tribe, requires ALL Tribe members logged off!). TamedDinoClassResistanceMultipliers=(ClassName="",Multiplier=). New Ini Configs [Eternal] LvlUpCounter=True Bug Fixes. The server is currently launched via the command line using the following syntax to specify runtime options: Following the name, options are specified as a single string with each option separated by a question mark (?). It's as easy as that to switch. Recommended to leave at 1. More than one dinosaur/creature can be specified. This decreases all of those but you can still have them. A multiplier to scale the amount of XP earned for crafting, A multiplier to scale the amount of XP earned for generic XP (automatic over time), A multiplier to scale the amount of XP earned for harvesting, A multiplier to scale the amount of XP earned for a kill, A multiplier to scale the amount of XP earned for SpecialEvents, Option for cooldown period on structure repair from the last time damaged. Number of seconds cooldown between allowed Dino re-uploads (defaults to 0, set to 43200 on Official Servers which is 12 hours). A multiplier on how long after delaying cuddling with the Baby before Imprinting Quality starts to decrease. Customizes the spawning rate for a given dinosaur type (at all dinosaur spawn points). ExperiencePointsForLevel[]= For Linux: To easy create this file, you can use this ini-Generator. Enable this option for a fixed constant decay period for "Fast Decay" structures (such as pillars or lone foundations). For more detailed information regarding using system time vs. in-game time, please see patch notes, Prevent-Friendly-Fire (among tribesmates/tribesdinos/tribesstructures) option for PvE servers, Prevent-Friendly-Fire (among tribesmates/tribesdinos/tribesstructures) option for PvP servers. Multiple DinoClassResistanceMultipliers and TamedDinoClassResistanceMultipliers entries can be specified in the file, but ClassName values should not be repeated across multiple entries. Ark PVP ConsoleVariables.ini Install. This will work on autoturrets, heavy turrets, tek turrets, plant turrets and is no longer map specific. This directive can be specified twice in the configuration file. After rebooting the server the mods will automatically be downloaded and activated on your ARK server. this example unlocks the Tek Teleporter with level 0: Limits the maximum allowed automated turrets (including Plant Species X) in a certain range.Introduced in patch 274.0. Set to yes to allow more than one usage of Mindwipe Tonic without 24 hours cooldown. A multiplier on how fast tamed dinos lose torpor. is the number one paste tool since 2002. - bAutoPvETimer Must be enabled for this setting to apply. Refer to the following section for details. Xbox 793.36 - Official ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki. Description. You can then 'download' these Survivors onto an Official ScorchedEarth Server of that same game mode. Use your skills and cunning to kill, tame, and ride the plethora of extinct dinosaurs and other primitive creatures that inhabit the earth. I doubt I would ever have the money to do that again. "optimized" server with high HarvestAmountMultiplier (but less rare items). Changes the base stats of a player by multipling with the default value. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We aim to provide the easiest way of finding the information you need to make a choice on your game hosting. For all supported platforms, options are listed one per line using the same basic syntax: All options in the configuration file require a value. In the configuration file, an entry must be placed on a single line. Ark Eternal Patch Notes 11 th August 2020. automatically unlocks the specified Engram when reaching the level specified. If you want your server to allow non-allied dinos to be able to stand on the Quetz platforms set this to true. Specifies the scaling factor for player characters' water consumption. Set this to a number > 0 to act as a limit. For servers with a lot of RAM, they can now optionally gain performance by running with this to keep the AI's in memory. A multiplier on how often you get tame requests for passive tame dinos. Everything will stay the same in game, and all ini options stay the same as well. In the configuration file, an entry must be placed entirely on a single line. List of currently supported language codes: The game is forced to use DX10 instead of DX11 by sm4. Our provider lists make finding a trusted host so much simpler. If true, any Engram not explicitly specified in the OverrideEngramEntries or OverrideNamedEngramEntries list will be hidden. Official PvE Servers use this option. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Determines the area in which turrets are added towards the limit, the value is UE4 units. You can directly override the language by using this commandline. These are the options of the server launch command. enabling this will default lock all structures, Server Option to allow Auto-Destroying Structures after sufficient "no nearby Tribe" time has passed (defined as a multiplier of the Allow Claim period). no type given: Multiplier applied for each tamed level-up point Time after which characters that have not moved or interacted will be kicked (if -EnableIdlePlayerKick as command line parameter is set). This website uses cookies to improve your experience. e.g. 2: Torpidity : PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[7]=2.0 would mean that weight-increase per level is 2x as much as default for players. Any number above 0 acts as a multiplier, with a minimum value of .1, if true disables the timer on the quick-pickup system, amount of time in seconds after placement that quick pickup is available, if false disables all of the new S+ structures (intended mainly for letting unofficials that want to keep using the S+ mod version to keep using that without a ton of extra duplicate structures), used to specify the quick-pickup hold duration, allow manually overriding item stack size on a per-item basis. 4: Food The value was reduced by 80% in. 8: MeleeDamageMultiplier / Charge Emission Range Specifies the scaling factor for damage structures take within caves. We put the data in your hands! 4: Weapon Clip Ammo We include as many of the available options for ARK to make the most complete online settings generator for the Game.ini file. It seems that as of 248.5 this has been fixed.). Higher values prolong the time. To use non-admin spectator, the server must specify a spectator password. If yes, supply drops are in random locations. Options for the game client are not used by the server. For the syntax see above. The location of the configuration files varies by platform. if true will make Tame Units only be applied and used for Platforms with Structures and Rafts effectively disabling Tame Units for Dinos without Platform Structures, Tames that exceed that level will be deleted on server start. Freeport, Lawless, Golden … Higher values increase water consumption (player characters get thirsty faster). 1: Stamina / Charge Capacity Functions in the same way as the global setting HarvestAmountMultiplier but for only the type of resource named on this line. Specifies the scaling factor for player characters' stamina consumption. On January 9, Angeli was arrested and... brought up on U.S. federal charges of "knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, and with violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds". spiked walls). Results in potential exploit for lowered crafting costs and may make structures unrepairable. ARK: Survival Evolved で個人サーバー(非公式サーバー)をレンタルサーバー(Linux)で設定・構築した手順についてご紹介させていただきます。個人サーバーを使うことによって仲間内だけでマルチプレイで遊べるようになります。 The game will use the default values if these settings aren't specified. Possibly deprecated; use -ActiveEvent=vday instead. Allow switching from PvE to PvP mode at pre-specified in-game times OR a pre-specified real-world (server-side) times! Your one stop shop for game server hosting information! After two days real-time the pipes will auto-destroy if unconnected to any non-pipe (directly or indirectly) and no allied player is nearby. See. You still obtain the stars, the sun, and the moon. If the file does not exist in your Linux/Win64 Binaries folder, create it and add the Steam64 IDs of the players you wish to be allowed to join your server. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Use this to set how swim speed is multiplied by level spent in oxygen. Feel free to share, link and send to your friends! Meaning the start stats of a new spawned character. (reported to increase frames but changes the game lighting). I had the experience of renting a couple servers for over a year from Nitrado to run for PS4 console. Specifies the scaling factor for player characters' health recovery. 5: Hypothermal Insulation A multiplier on how fast wild dinos consume food. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The examples provided here are split into multiple lines for space considerations. Utilize our Ark server settings Game.ini generator to generate template text you can copy to your ARK: Survival Evolved core settings file the ‘Game.ini’. How many tribe logs are displayed for each tribe. Play as a naked man or woman, freezing and starving on the unforgettable shores of a mysterious island called ARK. Enables auto destruction of old structures. determines the amount of dinoslots a platform saddle will use towards the tribe dino limit, Will turn off the anti meshing system entirely, Will turn off the anti meshing player kills (but still allow teleporting). We do not run ad-words or similar on this site but anytime you go through to a vendor and purchase hosting we may receive a small commission for this. The falling speed is based on the time players spent in the air while having a negated Z axis velocity meaning that the higher this setting is, the longer players can fall without taking fall damage. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. Set to true to allow multiple platform floors. The higher number, the faster you collect, Higher number increases (by percentage) the damage done by Turrets towards a Dino, True prevent spawning of Loot crates (artifact creates will still spawn). Turns off structure decay on PvP servers. Looking for Ark:Survival Evolved Hosting? Scales on a per-resource type basis, the amount of resources harvested. Enable or disable spawning of loot crates, PvP servers have an optional +1 minute additional respawn. The quality also depends on the Difficulty Offset. Examples for different types effecting Health of a tamed dino: If bUseSingleplayerSettings=true then the following multipliers are applied additionally to the configured (or default) values. Utilize our Ark server settings Game.ini generator to generate template text you can copy to your ARK: Survival Evolved core settings file the ‘Game.ini’ We include as many of the available options for ARK to make the most complete online settings generator for the Game.ini file. (all meshes now stream LOD's dynamically). enables Crossplay (between EPIC and Steam) on Dedicated Server, enables Epic Game Store only players to connect to the Dedicated Server, this is the public IP that EGS clients will attempt to connect to, if this command line is missing and -Multihome is specified, then EGS clients will attempt to connect to the Multihome IP; Note that if you're using Multihome and specify a non-public IP address, then players will not be able to connect to your server using EGS. 0: Generic Quality The lower the value, the less damage the structure takes (i.e. PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player changes the amount for players. Higher values increase the number of dinosaurs spawned throughout the ARK. Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaurs' stamina consumption. See, Set to true to dynamically increase the amount of items dropped. For example (note the extra brackets): Any additional replacements must be mapped inside that set separated by a comma like so: 0: Health Well, there is no much difference, the game still looks and feels the same, but you can obtain better performance (Windows only?) Server admins can enforce this once if they run with this command argument (will only work. Quetz platforms will not allow any non-allied dino to base on them when they are flying. If 'true' allows for structures to clip into the terrain. Increases the quality of items that have a quality when fishing. Server options are specified in the section labeled [ServerSettings], which is usually located at the bottom of the file.. Used on Official Small Tribes Servers. A multiplier on how often you get tame requests for passive tame dinos. If set to true, you will see a green light beam at the location of your death, Higher number increases (on a percentage scale) interval between which dinosaurs can mate, Higher number increases (by percentage) speed at which dinosaurs mate with each other, Higher number decreases (by percentage) time needed for fertilized egg to hatch, Higher number decreases (by percentage) time needed for baby dino to mature, Lower number decreases (by percentage) the speed that baby dinos eat their food, Higher number increases (by percentage) speed of crop growth, Higher number increases (by percentage) time between eggs spawning / being laid, Higher number decreases (by percentage) how frequently you can poop, Higher number decrease (by percentage) speed of crop decay in plots. But I don't like the idea of my Game.ini file and server settings collecting dust in my pc. Lower number decreases (by percentage) the speed that baby dinos eat their food. Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaur taming speed. Specifies the scaling factor for damage structures take within caves. Multiplier applied to the percentage each imprints provide. Types with a larger SpawnWeightMultiplier are selected more often when spawning new dinosaurs than types with lower multipliers. E.g. The number is the time in seconds. Increases the quality of items that have a quality in the supply crates. Higher values increase the recovery rate (player characters heal faster). A multiplier on how fast tame dinos consume food. Scales the decomposition time of corpses, (player and dinosaur), globally. Also used to log in via RCON. (this will only destroy wild creatures that are NOT currently being tamed), Survival of the Fittest servers can launch with this commandline option to output a dated log file to \Saved folder, which will contain a timestamped kill & winners log listing steam id, steam name, character name, etc. 1 Player Tribes effectively disables Tribes. That's an example of how to completely override the items contained in the regular Level 3 supply crate, to contain just some stone and thatch for example. Click the image above to find your host today. No disables capability for Tribes to officially declare war on each other for mutually-agreed-upon period of time, Yes allows cancellation of an agreed-upon war before it has actually started. ), not just whomever Imprinted on it. This value determines the length of each night, relative to the length of each day (as specified by, Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK during the day. In the file, list each player's SteamID, one per line. Higher number increases (by percentage) the damage done to a harvestable item/entity by a Player. - HG Admin Console, can protect the player structures in range, deactivate the decay timer and can destroy the structures in range. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. However, the syntax is slightly different. Multiplies damage dealt of specific dinosaurs via classname. PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoWild changes the amount for wild dinos. Or click close to continue using our free configuration settings generator! Useful for servers to clear off abandoned structures automatically over time if they wish, determines how many lines of gamelogs are send over RCON, Enabling this will prevent tribes from creating Alliances, To allow your Server's Titanosaurs to be permanently tamed (namely allow them to be Fed), Use this to disable optional hitmarkers for ranged attacks, Use this to disable the Crosshair on your Server. Because of this, each time the directive is used, it must list all of the levels players (or dinosaurs) can reach on the server. See Command Line Syntax. If an option is not listed in the configuration file, its default value is used automatically. PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Player Stamina / Charge Capacity, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Player Oxygen / Charge Regeneration, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Player Temperate, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Player MeleeDamageMultiplier / Charge Emission Range, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Player Speed Multiplier, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Player Temperature Fortitude, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Player CraftingSpeedMultiplier, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoWild Health, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoWild Stamina / Charge Capacity, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoWild Oxygen / Charge Regeneration, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoWild Temperate, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoWild Weight, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoWild MeleeDamageMultiplier / Charge Emission Range, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoWild Speed Multiplier, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoTamed Health, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoTamed Stamina / Charge Capacity, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoTamed Oxygen / Charge Regeneration, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoTamed Water, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoTamed Temperate, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoTamed Weight, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoTamed MeleeDamageMultiplier / Charge Emission Range, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - DinoTamed Speed Multiplier, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Add Health, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Add Stamina / Charge Capacity, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Add Oxygen / Charge Regeneration, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Add Water, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Add Temperate, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Add Weight, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Add MeleeDamageMultiplier / Charge Emission Range, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Add Speed Multiplier, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Affinity Health, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Affinity Stamina / Charge Capacity, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Affinity Oxygen / Charge Regeneration, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Affinity Food, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Affinity Water, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Affinity Temperate, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Affinity Weight, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Affinity MeleeDamageMultiplier / Charge Emission Range, PerLevelStatsMultiplier - Tamed_Affinity Speed Multiplier. The GameUserSettings.ini file contains options for both the game client and the game server. They need to be set in the [Ragnarok] section (if you dont have one you can create it at the bottom) of the GameUserSettings.ini file. This may be deprecated, as of. bIncreasePvPRespawnInterval must be set to True for these options to be activated. The algorithm used appears to be the following: shows each player their position on the map, allows players to view themselves in third person, enforces a minimum distance between player structures built by different players and tribes. If you want to use the old save format, launch with -oldsaveformat. If specified, players must provide this password (via the in-game console) to gain access to administrator commands on the server. This tool is completely free to use. When an option is not specified, its default value is used automatically. This will completely disable Diseases on the server. NOTE: The command line argument ClampItemStats need to be set to true for the clamping to be enabled on your server. enables the structure stasis grid to improve server performance on large bases with lots of players, more info can be found here: enables the New Year Event; it will automaticly start at Midnight EST and Noon EST on the 1st of January 2021, unless specificly specified with the following 2 options, Players will always get notified if someone joins the server, Players will always get notified if someone leaves the server, Show each player their own precise position when they view their map, Disables downloading characters from other servers, Only players near each other can see their chat messages, Disable the gradual (7 days) decay of player structures. Higher values increase food consumption (dinosaurs get hungry faster). Higher values prolong the time. Multiplier applied to the percentage each imprints provide. While setting it to 2.0 means they would now give 16% each, etc. If yes will make Tame Units only be applied and used for Platforms with Structures and Rafts effectively disabling Tame Units for Dinos without Platform Structures. This site is a modern all in one game hosting directory. Need to manually open ports 7777 & 7778 if you do so in order for your server to accept connections. Allow resources to regrow closer or farther away from players & structures. Higher values prolong the time. Higher number increases (by percentage) speed of crop growth, Higher number decreases (by percentage) how frequently you can poop, Higher number decrease (by percentage) speed of crop decay in plots. Set the expiration timer for uploaded items. A Capitol police special agent was quoted as saying that he pegged Angeli by his “unique attire and … Higher values increase stamina consumption (player characters get tired faster). Will decay unsnapped foundations/pillars at 5x speed. A multiplier on how long after delaying cuddling with the Baby before Imprinting Quality starts to decrease. Official servers have it set to, Defines the falling speed multiplier at which players starts taking fall damage. For OverrideEngramEntries the EngramIndex argument is always required, for OverrideNamedEngramEntries the EngramClassName argument is always required; the rest are optional, but at least one must be provided in order for the option to have any effect. This value determines the length of each day, relative to the length of each night (as specified by, Specifies the scaling factor for the damage dinosaurs deal with their attacks. Higher values increase the recovery rate (dinosaurs heal faster). Define the maximum alliances a tribe can form or be part of. E.g. Use this if you want ANYONE to be able to "take care" of a Baby Dino (cuddle etc. Set to true to allow more than one usage of Mindwipe Tonic without 24 hours cooldown. Time after which characters that have not moved or interacted will be kicked (if -EnableIdlePlayerKick as command line parameter is set). Defaulted to using "new save format", which is approximately 4x faster and 50% smaller. If you read the latest Patch notes it provides the code to place in the ini file.
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