amazing follower skyrim se

Download for free. Firstly, thank you to this sub and everyone that helped me get my first modded game going. Amazing Follower Tweaks introduces a ton of functionality and custom options regarding your followers. file type Game mod. This is the first of many cat-like followers, but this one somehow has over three thousand downloads with zero upvotes on the Nexus Mods website. last update Friday, September 2, 2016. downloads 7193. downloads (7 days) 14 I have multiple followers as I have the mod Amazing Follower Tweaks installed but it's never given me any problems. She is a Nord archer that adores adventures so Annekke will gladly join forces with you. Before we get to custom followers, we need to cover a mod that will make traveling with a follower much less of a headache. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Amazing follower tweaks and Relationship Dialogue overhaul mods help please". This doesn't necessarily make her a lousy follower, but it is the largest download to upvote ratio for a Skyrim SE follower. Annekke can become your follower when you complete Kill the Bandit Leader quest. One fine day he suddenly disappeared so I went to Silver-Blood Inn, his default "home" to look for him. Sorry I don't know how to do a linkage but the title will get you to the video. It did stop for me, too (Skyrim Classic). I just cannot figure it out. 15. EFF is the best I can come up with. < > Showing 1-13 of 13 comments . You can find her in Darkwater Crossing. So I have this follower Vorstag who's been following me for ages. I believe the commentator stated AFT had only 5 followers wheras the others had a lot more. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Page 1349 of 1427 - Amazing Follower Tweaks - posted in File topics: Hey so I lost the AFT book and I wanted to know the item number for the book so I … The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Amazing Follower Tweaks v.1.66 - Game mod - Download. bobczes. AFT: Amazing Follower Tweaks. Amazing Follower Tweaks: No Dialogue Menu (Skyrim SE PC) PC SSE - Help. There was a video on YouTube - Skyrim Mod Comparison UFO vs AFT vs EFF. ... Amazing follower tweaks question How do I get my followers to wear armor that I want them to wear? It came out in June of 2019, so it has had almost a year to gain status. Simple Multiple Followers always had something messed up that I couldn't ignore. That said, I'm gonna try it out again, I really just want a simple mod with no features, save for two: Multiple follower support and wanting followers to stand down and follow when I put my weapon away. There he was, still wearing the armor I gave. Just this once, everybody gets a horse! I have been successfully running for a short while and have had no issues so far (haven't tried everything yet), except with AFT. If anyone knows how I will be most greatful. If you are a thief or a warrior, Anneke Crag-Jumper is an amazing range follower that can complete your play style. However, I managed to revive it by launching the game new instead of using a saved game (I came back after three years), and having deinstalled and reinstalled the mod, and, which i think is most important, >>>>> having the mod AFT placed at the very bottom of the Skyrim default mod list that you get access to when launching the game … The file Amazing Follower Tweaks v.1.66 is a modification for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, a(n) rpg game. file size 10.7 MB.
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